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Custom Cases

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Morning All,


Looking for a little bit of help in regards to airsoft carry cases.


I own a Nuprol Hard Case with pick and pluck foam, which i have picked and plucked to fit my HK G28 GBB, TM HK45 Pistol, 8 Pistol Mags, and 6 GBBR mags, plus associated scopes. It serves this purpose well, fitting all my gear into one lockable box.


However, the foam is crap, the kit constantly moves, drags the foam with it, and the box is the mess after a few minutes of movement. Ive tried double sided tape, aerosol glues etc, to no real avail, although the tape does a nice job of stick my RIFs to the foam unintentionally.


Is there anywhere that can custom cut a denser foam made to order?


Or preferably, a company that i can turn up to with my RIF's and Kit, and using them make a custom lockable hardcase acceptable for airline travel that is still reasonable to carry.


Something like those provided by Tri Fibre Cases, https://www.trifibre.co.uk/waterproof-cases


I am prepared to spend well for something that lasts, these RIF's are my pride and joy, and are treated as such.


Thanks in advance,


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Peli probably make the best cases. Would a cheaper option not be to buy some custom fit, high density foam?

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easyfoam.co.uk can custom make foam to fit your current gun case, could be a lot cheaper then buying a new case plus you can make the foam thicker so it cant move around and is pressed in place once the case is closed.

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You want to have a look at a product called kaizen foam.

Also known as layer foam, or tool foam.






It'll be a lot more dense than the P'n'P foam in the Nuprol cases and because it has many tiny layers, you can peel it to a much more accurate depth to allow for your kit.


Also, because you'll be drawing around your rifles and stuff the fit around your gear will be a lot tighter. Not like the "pixelated" P'n'P foam that leave spaces around the outline.




The kaizen foam is pretty cheap and you can get it in big sheets to cut down for your case too.

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  On 09/11/2017 at 00:12, L3wisD said:

You want to have a look at a product called kaizen foam.

Also known as layer foam, or tool foam.






It'll be a lot more dense than the P'n'P foam in the Nuprol cases and because it has many tiny layers, you can peel it to a much more accurate depth to allow for your kit.


Also, because you'll be drawing around your rifles and stuff the fit around your gear will be a lot tighter. Not like the "pixelated" P'n'P foam that leave spaces around the outline.




The kaizen foam is pretty cheap and you can get it in big sheets to cut down for your case too.



This looks helpful, how did you cut the foam down? Stanley knife, hotwire etc? Was it much hassle?

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  On 08/11/2017 at 23:21, sharpe said:

easyfoam.co.uk can custom make foam to fit your current gun case, could be a lot cheaper then buying a new case plus you can make the foam thicker so it cant move around and is pressed in place once the case is closed.



Will have a look, thank you :)

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That Kaizen foam is great. I had a king arms m4 that came with it inside the box. Just enough flex to get your gun in and out but holds solid. I’m going to get some for my Nuprol case, I think. If you stand the case up, the gas mags drag and warp the foam like yours do. 


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  On 09/11/2017 at 08:36, Wo1f said:

That Kaizen foam is great. I had a king arms m4 that came with it inside the box. Just enough flex to get your gun in and out but holds solid. I’m going to get some for my Nuprol case, I think. If you stand the case up, the gas mags drag and warp the foam like yours do. 




Looks exactly like my issue as mentioned, especially with the use of the wheels, everything drops to that end of the box. My G28 is away with Kingdom of Airsoft at the moment, not expecting to see if before the new year, but may have a crack with kaizen foam in a smalled case for my TM416 Devgru, :) 


Thanks :)

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  On 09/11/2017 at 07:31, elys1ur said:


This looks helpful, how did you cut the foam down? Stanley knife, hotwire etc? Was it much hassle?



Oh, that's not my case, just the best example I could find with google :)


It's very easily cut with a sharp stanley blade, or modelling knife.

If you use a smaller craft knife it's easier to cut exactly to the details of your gun and mould it exactly, with hardly any tolerance for movement.


I hope this helps :)

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Definitely helps, much appreciated :)

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  On 11/11/2017 at 19:06, Chanceman said:

I'd love to invest in a peli, but can't justify the huge price tag, even for second hand.



I looked at Peli's but as you mentioned they cost a fortune, we use them at work with being offshore, perfect for helicopters, but can't blag one in the kind of size I require. For all intents and purposes the Nuprol case I have is excellent, except for the PnP foam :(

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  On 12/11/2017 at 06:59, elys1ur said:


I looked at Peli's but as you mentioned they cost a fortune, we use them at work with being offshore, perfect for helicopters, but can't blag one in the kind of size I require. For all intents and purposes the Nuprol case I have is excellent, except for the PnP foam :(


Good call, I've just bought one to try out, a baby pistol sized one though. Still cost a few too many quids for my liking.

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Think I paid £104 for the largest Nuprol Case they do, XL I think, and I can get my primary which is just under a meter in length with the stock in the shortest position, and its scopes and 6 mags, and my hand gun with 8 Mags, with 4 lock points for security, and it fits well in car. Seems steep, but for the value of guns in the box, and how long it feels like it will last thats fine, and it should be compliant with most airline and customs requirements if i choose to go abroad with it, which I like to think will happen eventually, got friends in holland who airsoft a lot and would love to join them.


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Got an appointment with a very helpful bloke at TriFibre Cases in Leicester in 2 weeks time, who want me to take my kit and RIF's with me and are going to measure up a case and foam inserts to match and provide a quote + lead time. Will keep you all updated :)

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