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lamcer tactical/galaxy barrett need info

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Im told this gun shares parts with an svd system but i have no idea which svd that is. 

I will be getting this gun in a weeks time and would like to make it as best i can.


The rough idea...

Upgrade the internals to better parts. 

Try to increase accuracy as best as possible.


It shoots 400fps out of box with 0.2s. With 0.4s it was over a hundred fps drop. 

Id like to get it so i will be able to use the heavier rounds with a 400fps limit.


There is a gas conversion but my local does not allow the use of such things.


Any info that helps towards my quest to upgrade this thing is greatly apreciated.


Plz dont give negative comments yes its a cheap gun no i cant afford a fancier one so must upgrade this thing.








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What is your local site limit for bolt action rifles? You will have to test with 0.2g anyway so you need to measure against that.


Evike suggest it should do 425/435FPS stock so you should be fine with that for most sites anyway. 

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Out of interest, why go for such a big gun?


As above, sites tend to specify fps limits with 0.2g BBs.


Energy should be more-or-less constant, so 400fps with 0.2g will get you 283 with 0.4.  See: http://asiaairsoft.com/index_topic.php?did=23&didpath=/23


Actually a bit more as the heavier BBs should be able to absorb more energy from the airflow (so the theory goes).  Which is why sites should let you test with the BBs that you plan to use, but don't because (I assume) they'd have to keep changing the chrono to calculate the energy.

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No its a bb gun.


The extra barrel length won't make the gun perform better the only thing it will do is hinder manoeuvrability. Dont fall into the trap that real world guns have any resemblance to airsoft ones.


If you are buying it because of aesthetics though fair enough they do look good.

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6 hours ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Ah wasnt aware there was a bb weight limit thing. 


Not a weight limit as such, most sites won't give a stuff what BBs you use, and the heavier the better for a sniper rifle (up to the limit of its hop up).


It's just that they'll tend to specify the site FPS limit for guns using 0.2g BBs, and will want you to have 0.2g in for chronoing.  My local site actually keeps a stock of common magazines to hand at the chrono, filled with 0.2g, so that there's no opportunity for shenanigans.  I'm not sure what yours will do.



6 hours ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

 Primarily its mostly cz i like the weapon but also has a longer barrel length which is metal. Its very light and is rated for 400fps and its cheap. 

Overall i think its a better pckage than a well mb03 or similar.


I wouldn't call 6 3/4 lbs light.  It's also looooong, 4 1/2 feet of branch tangling, feet tripping awkwardness.


400 fps is less than my local sites' limits for semi automatic DMR guns.  For a bolt action I'd want to get closer to 500 for every extra foot of range.


If I were getting a sniper, and I might if I ever go full Ewok, I'd be looking at the Well MB-02 because it's also 400 fps as stock, can be upgraded (although the piston isn't standard), and it's oh-so-ickle and neat.




6 hours ago, commanderpegasus420 said:

Plus its a barrett


Well, you win. ;)


Sorry to be a Buzz Killington, I don't mean to rain on your parade.  If you enjoy it, it's the right gun for you.  It's just a game, after all, and if you're grinning, you're winning.

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I had a look at some vids of the well mb03 not as cool as the barrett and pretty much all plastic. The barrett has a metal barrel so less chance of damage.


From youtube vids the lancer is better than the well but the well has access to more parts so they both have good and bad points.


And god no.

No bushwookie for me lol you should check out strichtarn, Asat, klmk and s95 camouflage patterns they are very effective.


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