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Camo Recommendations

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My local sites are mostly based in Pine woods that are thick with Fern (Norwich and Thetford). 


I've only played once and to my untrained eye most of the guys looked like they were in Multicam which seemed too light. One guy wore Flecktarn which seemed too dark.


I heard Swedish m90 is great for British woods but that seems around 75% more expensive than most other stuff.


What would you experienced folks recommend as the best standard priced camo for this environment?


Edit: Also are there any UK sites that sell a comprehensive range of clothing/vests/hats/gloves, etc? All the ones I've found seem to be lacking in one area or another.

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It depends on the time of year, the seasonal changes mean that different camos will work better or was at any given time of the year. The more important thing is how you use what you're wearing rather than what pattern you choose. Movement is the number one giveaway and if you can't keep still it doesn't matter what you wear, you'll attract attention. 

At the ranges airsoft is played at camouflage more often than not isnt a very big factor as you're close enough to see anyway. In my opinion the best thing to do is go for a decent woodland camp, dpm, m81 (both should be cheap to find) or other (I'm a fan of a-tacs fg personally) and work on improving how you hide with it. 



As for your second question, check out websites like tactical kit UK, uktactical, military 1st or flecktarn.co.uk

Thise are generally my go to sites for gear- the first two being higher end stuff and the latter cheaper stuff 

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Don't over think camo. At Airsoft ranges of really doesn't make much difference. If you're trying to be hard to spot then practise the Shape, Shadow, Shine, Silhouette and Spacing (Google!), and just go with whatever you like the look of.

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33 minutes ago, jcheeseright said:

DPM is a great budget choice, designed specifically to work well in pine forests 


Still difficult to beat, and a full range of proper issue quality kit can be had from your local surplus place, including webbing and pouches for not much cash. Not very fashionable, but since when has Airsoft ever been a fashion parade? ;)

Stop! Flecktarn with MARPAT? Gag me with a spoon! That was so last season darling...

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As said above, it's more for looks in Airsoft for most unless you don't move, you could wear bright yellow and do just as well!!!

i mix my colours now as I never plan to stay still and go for functionality in my clothes....

AtacsFg with coyote top and chest rig

camogrom with coyote as above

full camogrom with coyote chest rig

Acu with coyote rig

friday night I was ACU and black 


My bro just wears mtp as it does him ok


wear what you want and can afford, military 1st is great but also try eBay


Will be at Thetford next Sunday if your around??.... assuming you mean combat Airsoft :)

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For now I'm just doing a few skirmishes at Norwich with family, I'll be heading to Thetford in a couple of months or so when I've got my Ukara and gear sorted.


I hear what you guys are saying about movement etc. I still think it makes sense to have the best camo as I do like to try to be stealthy and when defending I don't move much. I think I'll deck myself out in Woodland DPM or Soldier 95 (are they the same thing?).


Thanks for all the replies!

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CADPAT - Canada has pretty big pine forests!

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55 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

CADPAT - Canada has pretty big pine forests!


And if you're a size Large - I've got a trouser/shirt set for sale in the Gear section down the forum!


</Shameless Plug>

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Or a twist and go for Marpat :P


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