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22 hours ago, Davegolf said:

Im not sure if its correct but Camoraid shop is showing stock!?


spent ages trying to work out the name. kept reading it as Camor - Aid not Camo-Raid <_<

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Wondering if i should get a nozzle for this pre emptively or not?


The Creation one seems to be toughest but gives an FPS hike, want it to stay at 1J so i can use it for indoors / CQB games, any proven options?


Azimuth is apparently poo

GunsModify poo

Ready FIghet poo


That only leaves the Guarder or WII Tech right (WII Tech hikes FPS also right)

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Mine is still on the original, but I have been meaning to pick a creation one up. You could trim the rocket valve spring and lower the FPS slightly. Will it take an NPAS? Failing that, you could run it on nuprol 1.0 I suppose. 

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I didn’t mind the mws NPAS (black one) as it seemed to have nyloc or an O ring on the treads to keep some resistance there. Another option would be a shorter/ wider bore barrel. 

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I say this way too often...


1. Get the TM or KWA Gbb version

2. hpa the gun

3. Get the single drum mag from https://alyanairsoft.com/

4. Go crazy 


some one is already selling the Tm version on zeroin for about £500 with hpa, full original parts and I think 6 mags (not too sure) 

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