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£45k of SAS kit stolen for airsoft

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Cracking thread on Z1 about it*



*fun game, spot his loyal mate

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Nothing to do with airsoft except the convicted person ran an airsoft site.


This has been going on since earlier in the year and Andy Stevens posted on FB to give his side of things when the trash tabloids started doing what they do best.


Hes a grown man, he broke the law and now he's going to serve time and have a criminal record for it.

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[quote name="Baz JJ" post="261485" timestamp="1481932578


Hes a grown man, he broke the law and now he's going to serve time and have a criminal record for it.


Exactly that


He took his chances rolled the dice and came up short


Do the crime pay the time

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Glad they are getting done for it and perplexed that some Airsofters were defending them.

I was amazed to see some of the comments on Z1 trying to defend them. Just because its airsoft doesn't make it ok.

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