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£130 vs £300 G&G Raider

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Christmas is upon us, and that means airsoft presents!

But here's my Q:
In all honesty, what will be the benefits of the £300 TR-15, over the £130 CM16





From more seasoned players - I'm still new to the game - what will be the main differences I'll notice between the two?

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Personally I'd get a Krytac Trident if I was looking at around the £300 mark



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Because he is not one of the stupid people.


Ahhhh so helpful :D


But seriously, why the Krytac? What makes it better?

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Ahhhh so helpful :D


But seriously, why the Krytac? What makes it better?

Better quality materials externally and internally.

Better designed gearbox.

Better designed hop unit.

Better inner barrel.

Better motor (even the 20k)

Better put together.


All that equals better trigger response, better accuracy and more reliable.


But most of all its not a G&G.

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Some folk prefer a quad rail to the more modern and better keymod system, I don't stick a squillion un-necessary attachments on my guns (unless you count the cameras (which may as well be useless as no one watches my vids lol)) so don't want my guns front ends weighed down by metal work that isn't required.

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Some folk prefer a quad rail to the more modern and better keymod system, I don't stick a squillion un-necessary attachments on my guns (unless you count the cameras (which may as well be useless as no one watches my vids lol)) so don't want my guns front ends weighed down by metal work that isn't required.

Lol I swear we've had this conversation :P

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this is not entirely true.... am currently trying to work out how to vegazzle my motorbike! :D

RIS rails and a few cameras :)

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this is not entirely true.... am currently trying to work out how to vegazzle my motorbike! :D



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I currently have sat in front of me several thousand cubic zirconia and rhinestones


Harley is it?

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That's a perfectly nice bike, leave the poor thing alone!

it didn't start off looking like that, is a work in progress, loads and loads more to do. This was it out the box:


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You can change the side covers though... ;)


And apologies to the OP for side tracking his thread!


Side track away, I have a £200 G&G coming in the post tomorrow :)

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nice one, what did you go for in the end? :-)


CM16 R8L

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it didn't start off looking like that, is a work in progress, loads and loads more to do. This was it out the box:


You got a SMALLER exhaust over the factory exhaust? I hope it makes up for it in DBs.

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