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[Game] The Ban The Person Above You Game

Mitchell Gee
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banned because asking questions on forums is far easier then googleing

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banned because all the real action happens on the front

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  • 3 weeks later...

Banned, for being a Noob

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Banned for not knowing my call sign is Chipmunk (when i get comms :D)

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haha! whats yours then? thinking of getting myself a custom patch like yours..... made by me :D

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Banned for not banning me.


It comes from a Y7 history presentation on the feudal system. My teacher selected me to play "farmer finius"


Since that day, I have never escaped it, and I don't want to. It's an awesome nickname and one day I intend to have a deed poll in order to make it an official part of my name (which would be pretty damn long by then!)

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