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Any northern irish airsofters here

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There used 2 to be one or two active irish airsofters on here but as far as Im the only one at the minute (Excluding yourself)

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I am from Coleraine but sadly live in England now. If that counts.....

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I live in Portrush and usually go to borderline.

I've been suffering an injury for a fair while now, so haven't been able to get out for a game :(

smcb1 - check out Black Skull Tactical airsoft. A new site around dungannon way.

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I deffo be interested in getting to any airsoft sites, the one in my town is only on fortnightly so iv a lot of spare time to go to other sites my only problem is that i dont have my own transport so i depend on public, i would be willing to meet up & pay towards fuel for any days to different sites

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Not sure but i know there is a CQB site in Dunmurry now. I havent been yet but i know a few that have and say it a small but good site

Yeah I've heard about the Dunmurry one, easy to great to for me. Think Lisburn one died a while back sadly.

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