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Kid in France shoots teacher with airsoft gun shouting 'Allahu Akbar'

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off topic: calling the title of the thread "Islamophobic" is the kind of mentality that is actually segregating the sections of our society further. Hiding behind that word is like saying someone stepping outside for a fag is homophobic.... Context is important, and if that's what the kid shouted then that's what he shouted. If i was the teacher getting shot without eye pro on, I probably would have shouted "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A BIKE!" - would that be considered anti-christian? Would the church take deep offence from that statement?


on topic: this IS news as far as airsoft is concerned, hope the gun was two-toned (or it will only tighten the rules on buying RIFs more).


PS. LOL'd when the guy said "hope he called his hit".

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  • 3 weeks later...

That kid is probably just upset his ISIS load out in airsoft didn't get him those 72 virgins when he got hit.

you know they never specify the sex of the virgins..... so him and his 71 friends.........

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