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Sandpit kent

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The last time I was there they had a shop.It contained all the sort of things you would expect like BBs, gas and some clothing and even some guns. Was a pretty decent shop actually but previous times I had been there I didn't remember there being a shop and this was about 5 months ago. Its not run by the owners of the site as far as I know but I also know they don't allow vendors on site that don't intend to be there every game so I suspect its there now.

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When I was back there in September 2015 there was no shop run by UCAP but there was a retailer (cannot remember which) outside under canvas in the safe zone next to the building selling kit. Also there was a burger van in the car park selling food and drinks throughout the day.

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Went there last weekend, the shop is still up and running.

The guys who run is also own Platoon Stores in Rochester (I think). Reasonable amount of kit (for the "oh bugger I forgot my ....." Moments), as well as a tonne of ammo, pyro, gas etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm going tomorrow how is the parking on this site anyone know?


The parking area in next to the Safe Zone on a level above the quarry (you take a metal starircase down to chrono and play zone), car park is large and fairly flat hard standing, can be some puddles.

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  • 1 month later...


The parking area in next to the Safe Zone on a level above the quarry (you take a metal starircase down to chrono and play zone), car park is large and fairly flat hard standing, can be some puddles.


Not anymore, the safe zone has been moved to the larger hangar further down the road a few months ago, while the car park is still the same spot. You can (given space) take your car down to the hangar, unload your gear into the zone, then take your car back up to the car park.

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