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New arrival

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Hi there


I'm a Portuguese airsoft player that now lives in London.

Since I'm just still settling in, I won't be able to play for a while and until I can, I'm going to browse this forum and maybe ( most likely that is :D ) ask some newbish question.


I do own my own gear and "armory" (G&P M4 QRF / VSR/JG Bar10, TM Desert Warrior), however, I'm not registered at any site/UKARA, so until then, it's just gear (whenever it arrives).


Beforehand, I apologize for my broken English



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  Jersey Tactical Airsoft said:
You english isnt bad at all lol


A bit better than yours Jersey :lol:


Welcome to the forums.


There's a few sites near London also, plenty of CQB for you.

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  Matt! said:
A bit better than yours Jersey :lol:


Welcome to the forums.


There's a few sites near London also, plenty of CQB for you.


yay CQB, ask the questions you need answered to any person on this site (Preferably Mods as 1. they know more than i do 2. i cba to answer a question at the moment as it is Friday :lol: ) joking, also nice English, i agree with most others, you are waaaaaaaay better than others on this forum :)


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