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TM OEM Replacement Parts


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No reply from Eagle yet (obviously, what with it being a Sunday) but Tokyo Model just replied and asked me for an order list. I'll let you know how it goes.

Hope you find what you're looking for. Yes, let us know how it goes.

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  • Root Admin

Tokyo Model have told me I need to order in 20+ quantities after I sent them the serial list:



How many are you need? Becasue original part minimum order need over 20pcs each.

Thank you


Bit more luck with Eagle6, who have said they're getting a large order of replacement TM parts shortly.

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  • Head Moderator

Recommend getting in touch with Combat South ( www.combatsouth.co.uk ) by phone or email. Very helpful shop and they specialise in TM products, and carry certain spares.

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Will do. Thanks.


Eagle6 are getting most of the parts, but not all as some are pretty expensive and there's a minimum order quantity. Still waiting on WGC.


Have you tried www.firesupport.co.uk? They have quite a few TM OEM parts. Also try ehobby Asia.

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Have you asked Eagle6 about a special order? May cost you an arm and a leg but if you really need the part and cannot source it anywhere else?


Saying that, TM may still require the minimum quantity for the order.

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Ordered thousands of pounds worth of stuff from Echigoya without a hitch, pretty much the best place to order TM stuff in the world.

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  • Root Admin

Tried them. They said I have to have bought the gun through them first and that I could only order replacements for that gun - completely contrary to what I was told last year when I ordered some replacements with them. Either way, it was tersely worded and unhelpful from them - I wasn't pleased and so I probably won't be using them again.


Hey guys, how do I place a TM OEM parts order with you? Thanks.

we need your recent order number. we dont give parts if you didnt buy the gun from us

That's a disappointment. I can't buy them through you at all?


Then no reply. And they didn't reply to the e-mail I sent them a week ago either.

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  • Root Admin

Yup, I know how it works with them and the other Japanese retailers. What I've been told so far though is that TM have introduced a minimum order criteria of 20 per part recently - goodness knows why. That's coming from Tokyo Model as well as others in the UK.


I've even filled out the request form from the manual .pdf online and sent it to them with the serial numbers but apparently no cigar.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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