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"Service" M4 AEG

Lord Daem

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I've recently posted another topic in here to introduce myself.


Long story short, I've bought an M4 AEG off my dads friend (as he won it in a raffle.) He suggested servicing it before using it in a skirmish but googling "air soft service" has left me confused!


Are there any lists online of approved air soft "servcers" (or does anyone happen to know a place near Ashford (Kent) that they'd recommend


Thanks, sorry for all the newbie questions!!

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Was it brand new & in the box ??


If it was then it doesn't need a service & use it until the foot per second drops then you can get it upgraded


As I do my own tech work, I can't help you with places I'm afraid

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First off, how old is it? If it's new then just go use it.

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first read up on this:




in fact read up a bit on some the excellent guides in new players section - many answers & info


pop along to a local site - they can test the gun's performance and you can get a chance to try it all out


if you like see if you shed some light on make or even take a pic for us to guess the make/model

(if its a PolarStar I'll give you £50 or swap you a proper B500A1 - just kidding)


welcome sir - UK's best place for toy gun shooters peew peew peew

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  On 18/08/2015 at 16:33, n1ckh said:

Was it brand new & in the box ??


If it was then it doesn't need a service & use it until the foot per second drops then you can get it upgraded


As I do my own tech work, I can't help you with places I'm afraid



  On 18/08/2015 at 16:33, Lozart said:

First off, how old is it? If it's new then just go use it.


As far as I'm aware, hasn't been used much. It's out of the box so think it's been used before. Battery was also dead so had to charge it up first. Just want to make sure it works really


  On 18/08/2015 at 16:42, Sitting Duck said:

first read up on this:




in fact read up a bit on some the excellent guides in new players section - many answers & info


pop along to a local site - they can test the gun's performance and you can get a chance to try it all out


if you like see if you shed some light on make or even take a pic for us to guess the make/model

(if its a PolarStar I'll give you £50 or swap you a proper B500A1 - just kidding)


welcome sir - UK's best place for toy gun shooters peew peew peew


Not sure what the make is (haven't actually got it yet - I'm collecting on Sunday.


Here's a picture. The box on the side is the battery, as apparently there wasn't enough room in the barrel for it. Not sure if that helps (I should be able to shed more light on make/model on Sunday as it still has the original box)




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You can change the stock for a crane stock which will house the battery but this means you'll have to rewire it to the rear


That's a dummy peq box & if you know nothing about airsoft weapons then I would leave it as it is until your more knowledgeable & capable of tackling things yourself

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  On 18/08/2015 at 17:51, Lord Daem said:

Any idea if it's possible to get the battery box "inside" the gun at all?


As nick said above you would need a Buffer tube, Crane stock and a rewire to the rear for a cranestock battery.

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  On 18/08/2015 at 18:02, Mack said:


As nick said above you would need a Buffer tube, Crane stock and a rewire to the

for a cranestock battery.

Cheers Mack for that mate, trust me to forget the bloody buffer tube :/

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  On 18/08/2015 at 18:49, n1ckh said:

Cheers Mack for that mate, trust me to forget the bloody buffer tube :/

Yeah may just leave it for now then!!


Just trying to think of ways to make it more realistic for when I get into Mil-sim skirmishes


Thanks for the help :)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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