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New to airsoft

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Hi all, I am new to airsoft having only recently been introduced to the sport. So far I have only played one game, down in the UCAP Bunker, where I was a magnet to BBs. Looking forward to going back there but with a decent torch next time.


Still doing research on a suitable primary weapon (once I am allowed to purchase a RIF) and think that I need something which favours the CQB environment. The Umarex brand H&K 416 and MP5 look great, with good reviews on You Tube, although many appear to have a fps rating that is too high for most UK sites. Expecting to pay about £400 for the weapon and £100 for extra magazines/battery/gas.


No idea of which pistol to get, although preference is for a Sig P226.


No doubt lots of newb questions to follow :)

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It may be best if you were to purchase a a gun more suitable for beginners rather than a £350 high end airsoft rifle which usually only hardcore players who are really dedicated to the sport will invest in.

My reason for this is that you may not enjoy airsoft in future, or you have other commitments in future which may prevent from playing regularly. 350 odd quid seems like an awful lot to gamble.


But if you really feel like you're dedicated to the sport and have an unlimited budget, then by all means go for it.


If not, there are some really good options within the £150 price range that you could choose from. G&G do some really good beginner rifles with specs that can compete with weapons twice the price. The exterior is made of nylon polymer which is a durable plastic used in real firearms, this reduces the price significantly compared to the real steel weapons whilst still maintaining hugh standards of quality.


Hope this will help.

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Pistols are fun, but wouldn't recommend buying one as a beginner. They're not exactly necessary if you have a rifle and the money can go on more essential kit for starting off; magazines, batteries, gear...


With a lot -if not all- Umarex guns, they're simply re-branded and licenced versions of existing ones, which are like twice the price.


Not saying you don't already do this but it's worth considering how long these people reviewing guns have actually owned them and their own experience and if it's a retailer who's advertising them.

I say that because I'm sure I've heard bad things about the Umarex MP5 which would conflict with what you've heard. Personally I'd recommend a G&G MP5 which are around £130, add another £30 for a good quality battery & charger (which really you should buy anyway because ones included with guns are cheap)


If the velocity is too high then you can simply install a new spring, but of course this is not something you really wanna do with a new gun especially if you're new.

It seems retailers take advantage of this and some places like to charge £30+ which I think is just for the fitting.


Hope this helps, welcome to the forum as well by the way :)

Check out the guides (such as Ian_Gere's Guide to Noobism, at least I think that's what it's called) on here which are really useful as well

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Welcome to the forum.


Personally I love MP5's although they are used less and less today but its still iconic.


I have the G&G one and the telescopic stock makes it very versatile. The UMP is good too for CQB.


I have the Top Tech versions but they do a range of different models to suit your pocket.


Airsoft Zone in Romford are very knowledgeable on G&G and will be able to help with springs to vary the fps.

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Thanks for the welcome and advice. My heart is definitely tempted by those models which closest resemble the real steel versions, hence the VFC Umarex brand but I have not read anything positive on this forum about GBB rifles. I actually like the idea of a more realistic low-cap milsim magazine, and would rather pay for a quality product but as pointed out not waste it purely for licenced trademarks. My head tells me to buy an AEG (with recoil?). I still want either the HK416 or MP5 so need to do more research on the different brands and versions at 330fps. Will now definitely check out the G&G range.

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If you want a recoil aeg the only ones worth getting are the TM Recoil series or the PTS Erg m4s.

MP5's that would be worth looking at are the TM high cycle if for cqb, if you want something a bit higher power check out the Ics MP5's.

Dont worry about the pistol straight away

just get a decent primary and dont listen to people saying about how much you spend its your money spend what you like.

You will be better off with an aeg rather than gas gun for your first airsoft gun.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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