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what gun is this ?


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about 4 years ago i bought this gun off line for around 180 pounds and after i year i lost interest and sold it to a friend, hes now lost interest and gave me it back but it hasn't got a battery or charger i was just wondering what battery's are best and will fit and same with charger thanks ,an sorry if this is posted in the wrong place or everything is wrong i'm new and had a quick look around and still dont get it cheers


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Thanks very much Yeh it is if been looking on what you said, I need the to pins that hold the stock on that clip in just behind the trigger , and a new one for the the plastic around the front of barrel what am I beat to look for as in what's there names thanks

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Best bet is to look here.... http://www.componentshop.co.uk/batteries/airsoft


work out where the battery goes, and the room you have for it which would give you the physical size of battery which could fit. Component shop tends to have dimensions for their batteries meaning you can buy one to fit.


If its just to get it working go for a 9.6v pack, if your looking to skirmish and run the weapon properly check out the Li-po section, something like a 7.4v . Bare in mind a normal cheapo charger will not work with a Li-po, you will need a proper charger.


PLEASE CHECK THE BATTERY CONNECTIONS ON THE GUN..... There are a few options when buying a battery and you want the right one or its a headache. I ordered the wrong ones by mistake last time and stuck with em, luckily a mate had a little adapter which works for me fine and just about fits in the stock..

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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