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Carrying Gas into games


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As the title eludes to, Im looking for a way to carry some gas into skirmishes so i dont have to trek back to the safezone to gas up. Ive tried a VFC gas charger but it was just poor, only fitting my pistol mags and it must be leaking since i can only ever seem to fill one or two pistol mags at best.


I dont like the idea of carrying a full propane bottle in a backpack, as i dont want to deny the sneaky bastards the chance to take me out because i cant feel hits on my back


Airsoft Innovations used to make a GasCan that was basically the same as the VFC charger but people generally said it was ok, only nowhere has any in stock and it looks discontinued.


is there any other way you guys know other than stashing a bag at the regen point?



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Real quick question; is this for HPA or GG?

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I have an old surplus brit S6 respirator bag which holds Abbey size cans no problem, along with other bits. It would probably hold a Coleman propane bottle tbh. Might be worth looking at? As I mainly use a chest rig it works well.

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I have been looking for the same things for a while now and i think we have missed the boat. The AI Gas Can is discontinued and the others are pretty poor.


The problem is that a lot of countries its illegal and can be legitimately quite dangerous to transfer propane from one storage container to another, without the proper precautions and equipment.

It comes down to finer details of physics such as temperature, pressure regulation, moisture control and management of the "flash" risks. Google "combined gas law" for the science bit.

Its also almost impossible to domestically calculate and distribute an appropriate mass for the container and the free space required for gas expansion.


Now in reality people transfer gasses all the time and don't blow everything up, but there are many instances of it happening and have been some catastrophic and fatal accident in large scale industry when it goes wrong.

The volumes we are dealing with are so small its almost an insignificance, as the propane will burn off in a matter of seconds,

However your DIY improperly filled tank is in the boot of your car in an enclosed warm environment. The heat makes the gas expand, expanding gas increases pressure. it is contained in a fixed volume container without the correct expansion room, so the pressure can not escape, it will take the path of least resistance from high pressure to low pressure (Ficks law) most commercial propane bottles have a blow off valve. If your container doesn't it will take the main valve or fracture the bottle, now you have a rapidly expanding (escaping) volatile gas that only needs the slightest of sparks to ignite. say from a car boot lamp?

Remember that propane expands up to approximately 250% its original volume in atmospheric air and remains flammable. Your 400g tank contains 1400g of vaporized propane.



A little demo of how dangerous propane can be.


And here is the expansion of a propane tank


As I say, the volumes we are dealing with are much smaller, but the physics still stand, Upscaled to industrial applications it becomes a lot more dramatic and is legislated against for very good reasons.

Hence why nobody is making them anymore, which is a shame.

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Ah, i'd never thought of the regulations surrounding the control of gas containers, but it all makes sense now.


I always understood the dangers, After A-Level physics where we did the number crunching with gasses under pressure, i got my head around what gasses do (ask me to explain GBB cool down, i dare you).


With most properly designed products, there is no real risk of spontaneous explosion, but as you said, a bit of DIY using a fag-packet sketch is just asking to be overfilled in a cold environment then moved into a hot environment, and lack the structural strength to hold all that lovely flammable gas safe.


I guess ill have to find a small bag and keep my propane in there, ditch it at the regen point for each game and hope than no cheeky bastards fancy a free refill.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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