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G&G mp5 a4 shoots left


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Hi, new to the world of electric aeg's. My g&g mp5 shoots left, no its not just me I've had friends test it.I've taken then motor out to check the barrel for obstructions, nothing. Anyone help? Thanks

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this may sound silly, but when you shoot it do you tilt the gun at all?

if the gun is slightly tilted the bb will curve off, make sure when you shoot the gun is positioned in a vertically even stature.

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Check the barrel to hop alignment, some times the barrel can slightly rotate in the hop, meaning the hop puts pressure on one side of the bb meaning the bb will shoot to one side or another etc

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stabbing in dark a bit coz I'm no expert.......


need to check barrel as that "could" be scratched

hop could be iffy and need attention/replacing

nozzle could not be sealing correctly and in line properly 101%


this is quite rare as G&G's are normally pretty damn good - was this new btw

if so speak to the retialer but don't go nutz opening her up much further


it "could" be a bad port or volume ratio on cylinder - curving is a possible symptom of over volume

eg: a full or fullish cylinder used for a shorter than usual barrel


what actual model or how long is the mp5 and its inner barrel ?


and did you get it s/hand or new - speak to retailer like I said if its shooting that pi$$ed

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Got it second hand and your more of an expert then me don't know what half that ment :) and it's a PM5A4 I think fixed stock.

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ahhh - the port is one the gearbox's cylinder

now if somebody has overhauled it they could of fitted a full cylinder instead of a correct ported cylinder


Now I ain't saying it is this but now we know its s/hand so it could be what the previous owner f*cked up

or was crap so they flogged it so to speak

Just coz you can't see the port it could be other side or even hidden underneath

just saying with a bad port all sorts of weird stuff can happen


BUT it may very well be numerous other things - but might be worth checking if your cylinder port looks like that pic one

if it is that is one thing to rule out - if you can't see the hole in cylinder you might be able to rotate it and see if it is underneath/other side etc....


if it has the port for say 275 barrel - guessing the length btw

then it can then be ruled out and look towards barrel/hop etc....


and I'm just making this up as i go along

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What part is the port and what part is the cylinder In the pipicture? I'm aware this is probably a newb question.

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Take it to a shop/tech.


Without wanting to be rude you sound like you don't know enough to not screw it up completely.


But to be honest it's either a bent barrel or the hop/rubber/barrel are misaligned.

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Yea pistols are easy but thus is a challenge but I want to learn so I won't mess with it just try to understand what is wrong and how to fix it and btw sitting duck love the explanation haha worked though

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Sitting duck I think I finally understand, there isn't any ports on the side of the cylinder how easy is it to strip to check for hidden ports

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the guy talks a lot of sense


I have broke plenty and only have a tiny scrape of wisdom

a pro should be able to diagnose and fix it quickly and a quick service probably


breaking cheapo guns is ok - bolloxing a decent G&G is a tragic shame you don't wanna do

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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