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Random FPS Drop in TM Mp7a1....HELP!


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I've recently purchased a TM Mp7A1 AEP - and have Mid-Caps (100rds)
it is stock Gearbox and have stock battery.


I've been experiencing low FPS ~90-120FPS at chrono until i've shot like 20-30 rounds when it gone back up ~250FPS.

But during the whole day i've experience inconsistent in the FPS where BBs fall short for like 10 shots then goes back up.


The gear box sounds healthy both when blank and loaded.


I tried swapping battery (all four of them... >.>) , Mags(both full and half-full), no hob-up and hop-up.


Just wondering whats wrong with it? any idea what i can try next?


(only thing i can think of is that I've maybe spray too much silicone oil? only like a half second burst a few days before the game into the chamber from the mag well)


any ideas or advise on what has happened would be greatly appreciated.



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(Sorry only realised i've put it in the wrong sub-section)

Oh right.. so i have to wait for it to just wear out now if i don't want to open it all up and clean it all off?

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strip the hop bucking out of the gun and wash it in warm water with washing up liquid, then clean any silicone out of the barrel and hop unit.

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Feeding nozzle might not have fully pushed the BB into the hop up chamber before it fires which results in some of the air escaping, that's the only thing I can think of; the tappet plate might be not working like it should.

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Just clean the barrel+hopup with the cleaning rod with some rubbing alcohol.

And then throw the silicone away. No aeg or aep needs it. Actually GBBs have much better lubricants than silicone so just throw it away.


The first few bad shots also can be caused by the cold weather. It needs a few shots to warm the houp rubber. This depends on the rubber.

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having just had my well R4 (TM MP7 clone) in bits to replace the trigger assembly ... i do not recommend taking it apart ... its very very fiddly!!


if you choose to disassemble it, have a look at the only guide i found here >>> http://www.airsoftretreat.com/forums/index.php?topic=40161.0

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thanks guys! that really helps :) i'll try to clean it with the rod and soak up as much of the oil up.


then if it doesn't work i'll try disassemble to clean.

  On 26/01/2015 at 21:23, sp00n said:

having just had my well R4 (TM MP7 clone) in bits to replace the trigger assembly ... i do not recommend taking it apart ... its very very fiddly!!


if you choose to disassemble it, have a look at the only guide i found here >>> http://www.airsoftretreat.com/forums/index.php?topic=40161.0


@ spoon - thanks, i know i've seen some clips on youtube showing disassemble hence i'm not keen on doing it :/

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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