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All teh slide

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Just a silly idea,


Do you guys think an indoor loadout that was mainly comprised of a set of cheap (ish) motorbike leathers for sliding around in, along with a good set of knee/elbow pads and speed rig would work well? I think that a tiny PDW AEG or a GBBP would be a good weapon for this. Not exactly devgru but :P

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Judge Dredd, anyone?

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You'd sweat your bollocks off. And leathers are rubbish for mobility.

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Indoors CQB is nearly always really hot. I'm normally sweating my ass off after going to Trojan, and all I'm wearing when I go there is combat pants and boots, a long sleeved t shirt, a light tactical vest and a PASGT helmet. In motorcycle leathers you'd seriously dehydrate inside of an hour. Probably wouldn't feel a lot of BB hits either, so not good for keeping you honest either.


It's also worth noting that motorcycle leathers (well unless they are shite) are designed to be comfortable when in the riding position on a typical race/sports bike, so they'll be really uncomfortable in any other position for a prolonged period. So unless you plan on riding around on a GPZ 500 whilst you shoot at people, I can't see it being a great idea.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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