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problem with ics m4-a1


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Hi all,


So I was changing the spring on my ics m4 to a m90 as it was shooting to hot with the new tight bore. I took the upper gear box apart. changed the spring and put it back together again (with great difficulty).

however when I went to test it to see if still fires okay, nothing happens no noise or anything.


Does anyone have any idea what's happened and how I can fix it?


Thanks in advance if you can help a noob out.

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An obvious question, but one that needs asking, is it getting any power? Are all the leads connected back?

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check the manual - the 2 piece gearbox has to go back with the lower gears in a certain position

I'm sure I saw this in the manual after I had a bit of grief


I had it freeze once, seperated box spun gears,

then ran just lower box and all was working ok ???

shoved it back together and she worked fine


only later did I see about gear timing in manual when you reassemble the two halves

(typical bloke never reads manual)

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I'll give that a try tomorrow when I'm back at home. Probably my fault for not reading the instructions.

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seperate 2 halves first and check lower gearbox still runs ok

should do unless something broke or fuse blew in stock

(10a car blade fuse me thinks)


instructions/manual - pah who reads that crap that is for noobs

or when you admit defeat ffs - I'm a bloke we don't do that crap

(we never ask for directions or admit we are lost - god bless sat navs now)


hopefully lower box will run ok - read - ergh check manual for gear postion

and top half is released/correct position


Hopefully she should then go back all timed up correctly and fire once more

best of luck

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I've managed to fix it. Thanks for the advice guys.


What I did was not fix the tapet plate correctly so it wasn't pushing down on the piston. Which then in turn blew the fuse. I've replaced the fuse and installed the taplet plate correctly it's now working fine.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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