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Shotty Advice

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Hi all

I am after an accurate(ish) and quiet gun and was considering a spring shotty because spring guns are generally quiet. If we say the gun is kinda crap, will it ring much after the shot is fired?

If someone can give me a recommendation on a DIRT cheap shotgun which is primarily quiet i will be very grateful


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Yay a shotgun thread! I love them so here's a list that may help you.


Cheap as chips shotguns:


ASG Franchi Tactical - £25 - 260 fps


Had one myself as a backup gun. Great for CQB but is a single shot rifle. Very cheap but the shells it uses are quite crap - worth replacing with the ASG 30 round shells.


Mossberg 590 (Full stock) - £37.99 - 270 fps


Single shot again, but my mate swears by it. Includes two 180 round magazines so it's brilliant for a lightweight back up.


More pricey but vastly better shotguns:


ASG Franchi SAS12 Shorty - £49.99 - 275 fps


Basic trishot shotgun. Louder than single shot rifles but a lot of fun to use. I've owned several incarnations of this weapon.


Maruzen CA870 Sawn Off - £99.95 - 285 fps


Pretty much a CQB sniper. I have one and it's my first choice for most skirmishes. Single shot but it's light pump means you can put a lot of rounds on target quickly. Built like a tank as well.



These are all "budget shotguns" (i.e. under £100) but they're solid weapons as there are less mechanical parts to go wrong compared to gas shotguns. I didn't list the Double Eagle single shots since they can be very hit or miss weapons (even if they're cheap) but the ones listed I have owned, currently own or have used.


Considering your request for "dirt cheap" guns I didn't include the G&P m870 range or other higher end guns. They also tend to be in the low 400s with fps.


If you need a bit more help PM me.

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I like the idea of CQB and Shotguns so much, But NO sites near me do CQB.

My main site is making a semi-CQB area, But it's not the best :/

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At one point in my life I got one of these (from gunfire I think):


I had to take it apart, clean it and put teflon tape between the barrel and the hop uint, but after that it shot amazingly. I think it was around 320 fps, but It could hit a head size target at a measured 40 meter every single time.

However springer shotguns are not quiet. If you want to go for that, get a springer bolt action and put some silencing in. Those can shoot on low power without any noise.

If I had time/money, I would try a winchester like gun. That's faster than a bolt action but might be quieter than a shotgun. But that's just a guess, I never had actually taken apart one of those.


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The guys down at Birmingham armoury/ tenbury guns have loads in the shop normally so it's worth messaging them in Facebook or something and I can vouch for them being good with postage and great guys in general


I brought my 417 from them and the first one they gave me the nozzle had broken, we tried to chrono it and it wouldn't shoot so they called in the distributor and he came over with a brand new one and just swapped it and happy day

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  On 25/07/2014 at 21:39, airsoftwarrior147 said:

The guys down at Birmingham armoury/ tenbury guns have loads in the shop normally so it's worth messaging them in Facebook or something and I can vouch for them being good with postage and great guys in general


I brought my 417 from them and the first one they gave me the nozzle had broken, we tried to chrono it and it wouldn't shoot so they called in the distributor and he came over with a brand new one and just swapped it and happy day

Seconded, brilliant shop and they tend to have most of their stock in at all times unlike some of the bigger shops - why I used then as one of my links.
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Not the sites, no. But I have been into the shop a couple of times when I've been up that area. Do want to have a go at their "FNG Training Room" based off the Call of Duty MW level - looks great fun!


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If you want quiet and accurate for CQB, forget the shotgun and get a MK23 socom pistol. The ASG version is about £50-60 or the TM one is even quieter nut is more expensive.

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My primary is a DE tri shot, I swear by the thing- it's great fun but not the quietest thing in the world. I've also got a DE M56 which is stupidly accurate but has that trademark loud twang sound associated with springers. Any reason why you want something quiet? Part of the fun of shottys is running about being loud and a nuisance or maybe that just me?

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