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War and Peace

Baz JJ

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Just to remind those of you not aware, the War and Peace weekend will be held weekend after next in Kent.

Not strictly airsoft, but airsoft weapons are sometimes used for the re-enactments and it is a BIG weekend with lots to see.

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Going to see if I can get my sister to give me a lift as I'm without a car for now. Is it doable by public transport from london?

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I'm going for the whole thing with a SA LHG!!


If anyone form AF-UK is going come buy the SA Forces LHG camp and say hi! Would be nice to meet some other members

Also if you're in need of refreshment I think we've got a Saffa beer for sale!


Teddy, public transport should be fairly easy as its right next to a train station

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Thats that sorted then, I'll be there one way or another! More likely the Saturday as I've been told trains are stopping there specifically for it over the weekend.


I'll be sure to pop in and say hi Nick, will be my first time visiting so may take me a while to find my way to you lol.


What do you reckon my chances are of picking up an M72 LAW ? I've heard they used to be a common sight, but I'm struggling to find any online now for a reasonable price, just a few at 300 quid and one for 150! I'm hoping a few collectors or 'Nam guys will have some for sale.

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Nice! I'll have been there since the 12th so I can give you my number if you need help getting around.. we're also doing rides in the Buffel!!


An airsoft one or a real deac one?

I wouldn't mind betting it'd be cheaper to get one online, but you never know if someone has one for sale

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A spent tube is what I'm after, maybe two if they're cheap enough! Going to be converting it for airsoft use :wub:


I'm hoping not, I was over on an ordanance collectors forum and saw someone recently mention they go for about £40 but he didn't say where, so I'm hoping war and peace will have some for around that price haha!

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Im probably going on the Saturday. The wife has a Land Rover habit so we are going to look at the military vehicles and Im shopping for our up and coming milsim in September.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could have done with that yesterday Baz, thought the area of stalls with militaria row was it so ended up wandering down to see the displays, got lost in there and saw the main area from there. By the time I got back up to the main section the people with me were too tired and complaining they wanted to go home so I didn't get a gander :(

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Not as far as I recall. I certainly wouldn't go in for a half day at those prices, hell, you need a whole weekend to go around and see everything!

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Went today. Have uploaded the pictures to the Airsoft SOFSIM group on Facebook.


Bit disappointed to pass 20+ military vehicles going the other way as we drove down to the show at 9am. Seems a lot of exhibitors were bailing out early. The organisers still charged £20 each to get in and in fairness, there was lots left to see. A lot of the remaining exhibitors were packing up at 2pm, so we wont be going again on the Sunday.


Strange to see lots of children walking around with Airsoft weapons in such a public place, but I'm sure somebody was checking to ensure they were without batteries.

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BB guns are ridiculously easy to get a hold of at the war and peace show and the organisers don't appear to have any control over it. Luckily, most people seem to control their kids without any problems arising, but in the campsite, it can be different. I remember when we were 10, my friend who came with us got shot in the face because they thought "he was playing" despite not having a gun.


Did you ask stall holders or exhibitioners what they thought about the war and peace show? It sounds like a huge shame that people decided to leave early. I was hoping to go back next year

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No not really - trying to take it all in really as there was always something to notice (even with the remaining exhibitors). My favourite was the re-enactment scenarios - the German WW2 ones were brilliant and a lot of work must have gone into the ruined buildings and detail ones.


Noticed Scopeys mob, Socom Tactical, BadgerTac and Airsoft World had stands there.

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Yh, airsoft world is always there, but the guns they sell at their stall is on par with justbbguns' range.


During the weekend stay, I used to spend the whole Saturday going around the exhibitions and watching the reenactments and tanks driving around in convoys. You then wait 'til late Sunday to pick up the best deals :D


I hope the W&P show doesn't die out and that its just going through a transitional stage

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BB guns are ridiculously easy to get a hold of at the war and peace show and the organisers don't appear to have any control over it. Luckily, most people seem to control their kids without any problems arising, but in the campsite, it can be different. I remember when we were 10, my friend who came with us got shot in the face because they thought "he was playing" despite not having a gun.


Did you ask stall holders or exhibitioners what they thought about the war and peace show? It sounds like a huge shame that people decided to leave early. I was hoping to go back next year



i noticed a lot of....


"dad i want that"

"ok son"

"so is this for you"

"of course"

"ok here you go"


Kids then barely able to make a gruff voice without a high pitched squeak in between wondering around with new guns...

maybe it was just me but it seemed wrong and a bit silly.

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I must admit, I can't hate on the selling of BB guns @ the War and Peace show as that's what actually got me into airsoft in the first place :D However, I think retailers selling BB guns should really emphasize the safety required whilst owning a BB gun as what I'm scared of is some kid shooting my eye out.


If retailers said something about keeping the mag out unless shooting targets or selling barrel covers then I wouldn't mind if I saw a kid with a bright 2 tone springer m4 pointed around the place.

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