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Stirling sub machine gun!

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There have been a few custom ones before and there has also been one shown a couple of times at Far East shows but never made production


And it's a sterling bud, Stirling is a Scottish place ;)

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This just makes me want to do WW2 airsoft again now .... :rolleyes:

As I found out about the Sterling on the ww2 airsoft forums, I have already read their discussion of this. A handful of prototype Sterlings were present at Arnhem but for any other scenario the Sterling would be frowned upon. Luckily Landwarrior has Stens for £100 :)

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Should totally do that with an authentic costume, you could just go round all day airhumping like that old Gif :D

Would have to be at combat south, thats where the airhumping stormtrooper was filmed apparently.


An alternative would be that Leia always seemed to use an E11 carbine, great way to hide a radio headset :)

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I thought Leia had an artillery Luger??! Could be wrong though . . . .


Also as the Sterling is on my list of "Wanteds", just had a look at my ancient copy of "Guns & Weapons Magazine-Military Small Arms Special" which states that the L2A1 "Sterling" appeared in 1951, (hence any at Arnhem would have been "Patchett" prototypes which the Stirling was based on; look basically the same though apart from the muzzle which was flat fronted). The L2A3 (or "Mark 4") produced by Action, as seen at Redwolf, appeared in 1954 and was the version adopted by British Forces (and Stormtroopers)amongst many others with over 2 million being produced. There was also a Mark 5 Silenced version (L34A1) which would make a good airsoft gun IMHO! The last mentioned is shown to good effect being used by Argentine Special Forces (rightly or wrongly) in the rather good BBC drama "An Ungentlemanly Act" (1990s I think) about the invasion of the Falklands up to the British Surrender. There were also long barrelled semi auto versions for the US Police & enthusiast(!!) market (Mark 6) and a smaller "Para Pistol (Mark 7)" version.


Apologies if the foregoing induces boredom or tiredness . . . .


The version Redwolf are stocking have 40rd mags, and take an allegedly special 7.4v Lipo to give a "realistic" ROF, with a 11.1v Lipo version apparently in development, the gun having a mini Tamiya connector . . . .


So can we also hope to see a proper airsoft L1A1 SLR rifle again soon???? I hope so!

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She does sometimes have a pistol but definitely seems to prefer the E11

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