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Shell ejecting M4

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Haha well good


I would only use if for Indoor CQB though i carnt see them shells beeing cheap....


Also have you seen the shell ejecting shotguns and pistols the Japanesse are making??

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Redwolf also have a shell ejectiong sniper and shotgun but i carnt find them :(




HAHA found the sniper...


Its a Shell Ejecting M700 (the POLICE version :D )


Skip to about the 2.00 min mark for the M700


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  • 6 months later...
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The only advantage it gives is showing off, No use in the field what so ever, wouldn't be able to move up without picking the ###### things up and there bound to get stepped on / lost.

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  • 3 months later...

Chuck Norris kills people with shells without a rifle lol

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