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RIF in suitcase

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as title.. going to Sweden, where airsofts are 18+ but no other restrictions on owning/buying them. wont bring any gbb since the it seems the bordercontrol is a bit dodgy about them.


can I pop my RIF in the suitcase? basically, I am not worried about the legality really. just thinking since its full metal it is going to show as a (or a few) gun, and I dont want to miss the flight by being interigated in a cell etc. etc.



thinking of putting a note on top of the RIF, inside the bag:

UKARA: xxxxxxxxx

mobile: 000000000000"


thinking of calling the airline, but they probabaly say get the travel with weapon option £££.. then again maybe not if I formulate it "can I travel with a toygun in my suitcase?".


well.. any thoughs, tips, suggestions? anyone traveled with RIF?

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You would have to notify your airline beforehand and probably both airports too. And not all airlines will transports RIF/IFs either- posting it there first is your best option- thats what a lot of people do for Berget.

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There shouldn't be a problem going, though you will need to declare it before hand. It's just a toy after all (though some airlines will get extremely jumpy if you tell them you are using LiPo batteries.)


Bringing it back might be a bit more interesting, as it is illegal to import a RIF into the UK. You'll need to be able to prove your defence.

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I'd go with 'replica' personally.

Avoiding the word gun is your best bet.


How can I not say gun (/rifle/firearm/ak).. surely if I say toy/replica they will say "toy/replica what?"? unless I just say airsoft?


There shouldn't be a problem going, though you will need to declare it before hand. It's just a toy after all (though some airlines will get extremely jumpy if you tell them you are using LiPo batteries.)


Bringing it back might be a bit more interesting, as it is illegal to import a RIF into the UK. You'll need to be able to prove your defence.

using good ol' NiMH. illegal to import? without a defence (ea. UKARA number) that is?


that won't be a problem thou, one way ticket!

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well, for an extended period an extended period anyway.


hmn, tried to call them but the number doesnt work and they do not have a email visible on the site it appears.. but airsoft/replicas/weapons doesnt seem to be mentioned on the restricted items list ( maybe I've missed it? https://www.norwegian.com/Global/global/CustomerService/Baggage/Dangerous_Goods_Regulations_2_3_A_2012-13_FINAL.pdf )


I remember the saying was that the airport doesnt care what you pack as long as it wont be dangerous to the flight.. last time I flew it was with a 14 inch fixed blade in the checked in baggage bag.. but then again.. it not an AK..

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possible relevant, althou not a weapon... and it wont be oversized in any case (folding stock, and thinking of taking it down before transport)





Oversized baggage

Sporting equipment and musical instruments are accepted for carriage
in the cargo hold on Norwegian flights in accordance with certain

NOTE: All passengers travelling with oversized baggage must be checked-in at least one hour before departure.



Sporting weapons and ammunition
Max 20 kg

Sporting guns for hunting and competitions are permitted for carriage,
but only on the condition that the bolt (or the stock in the case of
rifles) is removed and carried separately from the gun itself. Up to
five kilos of ammunition may be transported providing this is packed in
the unopened, original packaging.

Weapons may only be transported
in checked baggage. You must advise check-in personnel if you are
travelling with weapons and ammunition.



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Looks good, just don't stick it in hand luggage unless you want a broken nose after being thrown to the floor

broken nose if I'm lucky.


actually had a metal toy gun in my hand luggage once as a kid.. flashing lights, security running around like headless chicken not knowing what to do and a women with latex gloves pulling it out, handle between thumb and index finger and a less-than-impressed face expression ^^

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back when dad lived in the states i disassembled one and put in in my suitcase wrapped in a towel. ( what an idiot. i know) i arrived in heathrow with a customs checked sticker on it, but everything was still there, no issues :)

yea, well postage is £21 so I though that be worth not having to take the risk & stress.

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