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Nooo a CODsofter.. yes I know that doesn't work, but still. If you need any questions answering, just post em in here to save space, or in the "Quick Questions Thread" you'll probably get a faster reply that way.


Also check your question hasn't already been asked:)



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Finally, a new arrival to AF-UK who didn't come from CoD!! Welcome to the forums buddy, there's a fair few of us Battlefielders on here (as you will see from our massive thread about it!) :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome :)


I've been looking in to brands for the guns and a friend recommended Tokyo Marui (which I read in the gear guide thread to be good) but I've seen quite a few people with KWA. Is KWA the best out there?


It's thanks to Battlefield that I'm interested in airsoft. Watching lvlcap play BF3 then airsoft made me want to have a go.


Also, which retailers do you guys use? My friend showed me Zero one but didn't know any others.

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You can go with several brands to start of with. G&G, G&P, KWA, VFC and so on. I find that G&G have good customer service (I deal with them all the time) and they are decent price. But in saying that you are better off spending a little extra and getting a good solid gun that you can upgrade as you go.

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Airsoft world


Milspec solutions

Pro airsoft supplies

Fire support

Patrol base

JD Airosft


That's all I can think of off the top of my head,

As you will probably know, stay away from






Pretty much anything with 'BB guns', or 'Less' in the name:P

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  On 15/08/2013 at 06:07, Mike636 said:

Hello & welcome to the forums







have a read of those to help answer any questions there's even a list of retailers

That helped a lot. With regards to the 4 main rifles beginners start with. Is it best for me to buy one of those or can I go for something else like a UMP? That's one of my favourite guns.

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So overall a better gun than a Combat Machine?


I'm reading in to Mesh glasses or plastic glasses and it seems to be that Mesh is recommended to start with as the glasses can steam up quite a bit. Can you guys recommend any Mesh glasses brands/ models?


Same for face guards, is neoprene good or should I go mesh on this too?


This stuff is really interesting :)

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Ive got a G&G MP5 GT.


If you want to play in woodland scenarios, just be aware about the long mags on them, which arent always best for lying prone when taking cover.


The real UMP was made as a cheaper alternative to the MP5 but they are both nice guns.


The AK Beta or RK 103 are nice too if you like that style !

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I've personally never used mesh, I've a pair of revision sawflys and I've never had them steam up completely but I have heard that "Hero Sharks" are good mesh goggles and facemasks. Again I've not used a neoprene face guard, unless your playing cqb they arn't a necessity

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  On 15/08/2013 at 12:03, Baz JJ said:

Ive got a G&G MP5 GT.


If you want to play in woodland scenarios, just be aware about the long mags on them, which arent always best for lying prone when taking cover.


The real UMP was made as a cheaper alternative to the MP5 but they are both nice guns.


The AK Beta or RK 103 are nice too if you like that style !

Well I like the UMP and the MP5 and I've found a Tokyo Marui MP5(A5) so it's between those two really. The Tokyo Marui is a bit cheaper so that may swing it for me to be honest.

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My advice is to go to a retailer and have a look.


Another member at my club has the MP5 so I saw one for real before ordering.


There is nothing like holding one to assess the weight and finish. Internet buying is great if you really are sure what you want.

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Vote against sawfly's! And for mesh! I spent umpteen amounts on goggles that just kept steaming, eventually going for a pair of herosharks, and so far so good!! No steaming and you barely notice the mesh. Best snap em up though if you fancy a pair- message him on Facebook, he's packing in until further notice.

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  On 15/08/2013 at 20:37, Kaza66 said:

Vote against sawfly's! And for mesh! I spent umpteen amounts on goggles that just kept steaming, eventually going for a pair of herosharks, and so far so good!! No steaming and you barely notice the mesh. Best snap em up though if you fancy a pair- message him on Facebook, he's packing in until further notice.

What's his name on here?

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