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RealSword temporarily ceasing production

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Found this on reddit,this seems to be the only bit of news from RealSword,they've stopped updating their website and stopped making guns and some shops are not restocking.


This is due to them moving to a larger factory. Production should restart later this year.


Quote from Reddit:


''Alright, I'll give you the actual answer to this. I'm in great contact with real sword, for one reason or another as well, and from what I've understood they had moved to a new factory, which caused delays. Expect releases this year. (they had me try to explain to one business why it's idiotic to call real swords expensive). Many companies (not naming them) have told real sword that people want cheap and awful guns, so that's what they carry. It's business. But they're still out there. I buy parts when I need from Them directly. And they will be releasing some pretty interesting stuff this year.''



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It's some rubbish forum where threads are ranked by the amount of upvotes(likes) they get, so the best will be at the top. Personally I prefer it being in the order of newest first like we do here.

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Can you link me to it UTJ? Might be something good to stick on AirsoftOperator.com, all news is good news when you're looking for content! Haha.

I always get sent reddit links by my mates and I just don't understand what I'm meant to be looking at half the time, the way they organise stuff is just confusing, can't make sense of it.

Other than that it sounds like a fairly decent source of info, it's essentially a public forum for every topic in the world, or at least that's what people make it out to be, there are airsofting and gaming sub-reddits and all sorts of shit, pretty much every topic, hobby, sport, TV show, film, everything has its own discussion group.

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Here's R/airsoft.



And here's the thread.



R/airsoft just returned link posts,i.e,posting links directly onto an image hosting site to show off their 1337 DMR(There used to be a massive issue a few years ago about newbies showing off their 'DMR',a stock M16)


There are always idiots,it's a fairly open sub.

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I was going to buy a RS Type 56-2 earlier this year, but I couldn't find one in the UK, so I bought an LCT AK and sent it back b/c it was sh!t...


Hope they do come back. I still want one. Interesting stuff later in the year, hmmm? I don't want any Type 97 variants :P

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I wander if they'll ever release their M4's? Airsoft manufacturers are the worst at releasing stuff, they'll show it off one year and then if you're lucky it may get released five years down the line.

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Those fancy solenoid M4s are pure vaporware far as I can tell. Discussed this with a couple of guys in china/HK and unless RS decided to only test fire them in a top secret sealed bunker then there's never even been a functioning prototype. Hate to say it because they looked epic and would've been a massive change in the way electric airsoft guns work, but then they did always seem a bit too good to be true.

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I was going to buy a RS Type 56-2 earlier this year, but I couldn't find one in the UK, so I bought an LCT AK and sent it back b/c it was sh!t...


Hope they do come back. I still want one. Interesting stuff later in the year, hmmm? I don't want any Type 97 variants :P

In all honesty that LCT looked like it was shoddily put together by a retailer via a kit,I've molested a fair few LCT AKs at SG airsoft in Dublin and used my mate's AKM and none of them looked as badly made as yours.


But you can't beat the real thing when it comes to externals. Norinco may not be amazing quality real steel wise,but it's better than anything other airsoft gun externals(That is,until Izhevsk release their AK 'PTWs')


I really want to get an RS Type 56 and see if I can convert it into an AKM by using real steel parts. But I'd probably get arrested for buying real steel gun parts.


I'm really hoping one of the interesting guns soon to be released would be an SVU or SVDS.

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