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SCAR-L: Which is best?

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Hello all :)


I currently have an AGM SCAR L and want to upgrade to a better one but not sure which one to get. i was set on getting the VFC one because I heard that they are some of the best on both externals and internals but then i had also heard very mixed reviews on there internals with some completely falling apart or some only firing at 290fps :/ However i do LOVE the fact that they come with changeable inner and outer barrels :D this would be great for both indoor and outdoor play. I also heard that the G&G was very good too!


The mixed reviews on the VFC have put my dreams of a new SCAR to a halt so any help i greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance :)

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The TM Scar is great,performance and build wise,barring the stock catch which breaks easily(Replacements are available though,and one Arnie's user is making CNC steel ones soon)


However,during the first production run of TM scars,they had a massive amount of problems,malformed rails,stocks disintegrating,charging handles breaking,etc.. There are a good amount of first run lemons out,it's safer to import it from Japan,and it's cheaper.


VFC Scar and G&G Scar are the only other options for a good SCAR,they're pretty solid.not as much external problems as first run TMs.

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However,during the first production run of TM scars,they had a massive amount of problems,malformed rails,stocks disintegrating,charging handles breaking,etc.. There are a good amount of first run lemons out,it's safer to import it from Japan,and it's cheaper.


VFC Scar and G&G Scar are the only other options for a good SCAR,they're pretty solid.not as much external problems as first run TMs.

I think the main problem was with the upper rail slots being the wrong depth, the charging handle and stocks weren't a widespread problem rather than an unlucky few. Not a good thing but all the issues are now sorted.

Buying new from the UK is perfectly safe, do you honestly think anywhere has any first production run guns left in stock after 3 years?


The tm scar is the best followed by the vfc. After that I'd say classic army unless g&g have upgraded theirs, their one uses their old blow back system unless they've updated it. After those it'd be Ares.... just avoid anything but the aforementioned four.

Only issue with the ten is the stock catch issue. Mines fine but I wouldn't use it without a.sturdy sling as a precaution.

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Thanks for your help guys :) I really do have my heart set on the VFC but I just need to find out if the internals are as good as they are made out to be ^_^

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VFC guns are generally very good, some lemons like any other brand but for the most part they're very reliable.

Although I do urge you, if you can afford it, get the TM.

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Would that be the recoil version? If so I'm not sure I would be able to then use my existing mags :( plus the VFC really wins me over with the 2 different (relatively) quick change barrel lengths :D

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Would that be the recoil version? If so I'm not sure I would be able to then use my existing mags :( plus the VFC really wins me over with the 2 different (relatively) quick change barrel lengths :D

yes it would be the recoil version but i think that there are adapters for the mags well there are for the m4 so there probably are for the scar and i recommend a marui scar a few people have them at my local site and they are awesome !

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SCAR-L...........................no question..................TM.


Mines a beast.

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