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AEG Respray

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Hi Guys,


I'm getting a two tone AEG and I want to tidy it up and spray it a complete black. I've seen some paint jobs with the Krylon black paint which is fine but it looks to 'matt'. Is there another type of paint I can use instead which will give my AEG a black coat which will have a bit of a metallic shine to it?

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You will indeed need a legal defense under the Violent Crime Reduction Act (VCRA) to b able to paint a 2 tone gun. It is classed as manufacturing a Realistic Replica Firearm (RIF)


If you are under 18 or do not have one of the accepted defenses then you are committing an offence.


If you google airsoft VCRA all the info you need will come up.



As for spraying the gun. Halfords do a great range of camo paint that is cheaper than the Krylon stuff. If you want some kind of shine i would advise getting some satin black plastikote or similar. Most players dont want any shine at all as the gun will look like a cheap toy if it is shiny.


Check out the link in my sig for some paint jobs... ;);)

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Oh sorry I'm UKARA registered so that's fine :). Yeah I just ordered some satin alloy wheel paint which should give a tint of a shine. I don't like the matt black look as I think that makes it look like a replica more than a bit of satin. :)

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Can I ask why you're buying a two-tone to spray rather than buying a black gun, since you have a UKARA number?

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Buying a two tone rifle second hand isnt all that uncommon when you have UKARA, ive purchased a few in my time. SImply because I didnt want to pay out for a brand new one, but a good condition second hand one was going pretty damn cheap.

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Yeah I've just bought an ex-two-tone myself, because of the price. But the OP question seemed somewhat nooby so, if that is her/his plan for a first gun, I'd have to say it's not such a good idea. Let's have it right, no matter what paint you use they scratch through to the bright colour underneath pretty easily and, because it is such a bright colour, it really shows up even from the slightest scuff. Let's also be clear, looking cool, or at least imagining we do :lol: is a not inconsiderable part of airsoft; hence why I'd recommend a first gun be a proper RIF if at all possible.

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Yeah I've just bought an ex-two-tone myself, because of the price. But the OP question seemed somewhat nooby so, if that is her/his plan for a first gun, I'd have to say it's not such a good idea. Let's have it right, no matter what paint you use they scratch through to the bright colour underneath pretty easily and, because it is such a bright colour, it really shows up even from the slightest scuff. Let's also be clear, looking cool, or at least imagining we do :lol: is a not inconsiderable part of airsoft; hence why I'd recommend a first gun be a proper RIF if at all possible.

Yup I totally agree with you. That's why I'm going to sand t down before I spray it. It's a KWA M4s Tactical I'm getting. One big reason I bought it second and is for parts for my JG M4 S-System which is a RIF. Or more likely the KWA will become my primary and the JG my spare, hence the respray :)

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have you guys never heard of clear coat laquar?

funnilly enough that protects the paint from scuffs and scratches.

Very true, but I think i'll sand it down to the bare metal and then spray it. I like the 'used' look too much :)

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Well I can't say my experience of clear coat laquer is extensive, but I do know that brass jeans buttons and studs wear through it easily enough.

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I use Matte or "Flat" lacquer on the guns i spray (if requested) but all finishes WILL wear off in time.


I used Halfords camp paint on my SR-16 and the "weathered" it, but the rest of the paint is going strong and that was with no primer and no lacquer.

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if the 2 tone is paint you can remove paint via fairy power spray and other such methods. works great on minitures etc so shouldnt have much of a hard time with 2 tone paint. course if the parts are coloured plastic even sanding will only do so much to help paint stick...

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if the 2 tone is paint you can remove paint via fairy power spray and other such methods. works great on minitures etc so shouldnt have much of a hard time with 2 tone paint. course if the parts are coloured plastic even sanding will only do so much to help paint stick...

Just saw this:



Thanks for that Remus. Didn't know you could do that!

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I've done this before worked really well but I used the spray neat not diluted in water and wrapped it in a platic carrier bag and left over night this would work better as it removes all of the paint

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yea stripped a few models with it myself. and its weak enough not to damage most plastics anyway which is the main draw over the likes of nitromoors and is perfectly safe to use(course dont drink etc if you do you deserve the consequences of taking me literally there)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's she is:






I didn't have time to soak it in the washing up liquid but I did sand it down as much as I could.


What she looked like before:







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Good job :)

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