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Well-known airsoft team banned from ALL US Milsim sites

Dan's Ark
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Actually McKnight would have been paid to appear at OpLionsClaw's on that day, so the bumming is natural. if that event was a concert he'd have been the headlining act, so it would not have made sense if they hadn't over-promoted him and been on his side, therefore saying that OLC was in the wrong for backing him is a relatively invalid point.

Wouldn't you back an AEG you'd spent £££'s on if it was accused of being completely unfair on your opponent?


Completely ignoring the H&S aspects of the paperwork on GMR's half was an extremely stupid act and completely fits in with their negative reputation from members of the Canadian and North American airsoft community. Although OLC had not said anything about clambering all over roofs and absailing from buildings, it should not be the expected behavior of one of the most notoriously serious teams in the world.


Surely the 'bright' guys in GMR would have thought about the shit tons of bad publicity and the negative example it would give fledgling teams before abusing OLC's venue?


(well, knowing the average US citizen, probably all they would've thought was how cool it was going to be)

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What does this mean?

it means 'end thread'


you know, like writing BBCode [/whatever]

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I myself like milsim, always wanted to be in the army but couldnt due asthma and left sided heart failure however it does not mean I'm on the GMR side, hek I don't care which one I would of be nor which side people are but RULES are rules and you gotta follow it, you cant just make your own rules, this is why you should consult this with the site.


I myself If I would of done a milsim group, would of be more harsh on members that break the rules, want milsim? Soldiers that break rules get into military court I believe so give them hell, I dont know even kick them out.

My opinion, please remember people's opinion might differ, we aint the same, we dont think in the same way.

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I think this video is a good demo as to why sites have H&S rules. and shows why climbing on rooftops is a thing you should be told not to do.

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Nah... the risk assessment there is simple: there's a danger of people falling if they move close to the edge of roofs which appear to be solid enough to take their weight. Conclusion: the risk is self evident, but an accident is easily avoided by players paying attention to where they are walking - to make sure, include the instruction to pay attention if you climb up there in the briefing.


We can't and shouldn't prevent people from doing everything which is fun but has an element of risk just because some dick heads get injured by not paying enough attention to what they are doing.

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for all we know he did seriously injure himself, he didn't make it back to his feet and collapsed pretty hard when he tried.


I certainly wasn't expecting him to even try to get back to his feet after that fall, it was far from controlled.

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yeah its more fun when yo just dont give a shit, (main reason why i want o airsoft in russia)

but the risk assement officer would say that due to the unprotacted edges, that it is unsafe for players to go onto the roof. Which would mean that if he was playing on a site, and fell of fro that hight and broke ribs/legs/arms or worse the site insureance wouldnt pay, and the site owner would be liable for legal action as although the player didnt use common sense, it was the responsability of the site to insure that players could not access unsafe areas.


It sucks, cant deny that. But with out insurance you dont have a site, and if you dont have a site then we cant have the sport.

Thats why I say GMR, although hey are dedicated to the sport, they are doing more worse than good if they keep breaking H&S rules on public sites. I think thy should open their own private owned site if they want to do all te extra bells and whistles.


as or the guy that fell, his rifle still looked in useable condition which is a plus side.
Although I think he was just winded from the fall. Ie done 2 story jumps many of times (although it was a controlled fall) although hat was me doing anything to dodge a detention in school.

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There are safe ways around it though- I once heard of a site in the USA which had carabiners attached to the higher rooftops like you see in rock climbing centers. They hired out ArcTeryx rigger belts and Blackhawk personal retention lanyards to sniper rifle/DMR users who wanted access to said rooftops, and anyone who was caught on a rooftop and didn't have one was banned on the spot.


The site closed down a while ago but I've always wondered; could we do that in the UK? all the equipment used was mountain climbing grade and I've heard of rock climbers using blackhawk and ArcTeryx stuff before.

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There are safe ways around it though- I once heard of a site in the USA which had carabiners attached to the higher rooftops like you see in rock climbing centers. They hired out ArcTeryx rigger belts and Blackhawk personal retention lanyards to sniper rifle/DMR users who wanted access to said rooftops, and anyone who was caught on a rooftop and didn't have one was banned on the spot.


The site closed down a while ago but I've always wondered; could we do that in the UK? all the equipment used was mountain climbing grade and I've heard of rock climbers using blackhawk and ArcTeryx stuff before.

Health & safety will find some way to stop it though.

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It's not true that H&S or risk assessment would instantly forbid rooftops or other drops without hand rails. It would be true if it was for the generalised 'public', where the legal definition includes "a moron in a hurry", but for people who are deliberately taking part in a sport which involves a degree of risk from the environment, who are informed in advance and required to wear protective equipment, the requirement is that risks are identified and, if possible, that ways to reduce the chance of an accident are implemented, along with contingency plans put in place in case accidents do happen.


In this case, they could go further than telling people to be careful in the briefing and paint the edges of the roof and the edges of the trap door with black and yellow chevrons - as they often do on the floor of a garage with an inspection pit. I did a course on H&S about 12yrs ago - it's not as bad as the Daily Fail would have us believe. It is pretty much common sense, it's just that you have to write it down so that you can prove that you did in fact have some sense before anything happens...

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Yeah, your right there, if they put some means to abide to H&S, but I'm more refering to the fact that GMR go out of their way to break H&S. Im not saying that things cant be done to get us access to these areas, Im just on about how GMR and teams alike go out of their way to go beyond where they can

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I get it, Sheriff, but it's also true that they have not done anything dangerous that they were specifically told not to do. They have just exploited organisers' assumptions that nobody would do stuff like that. As I said, they are bell-ends, but I think that if the various US Milsim Organisers have decided they don't want to put up with it anymore, they should say exactly that, ie GMR have not done anything which we warned people would get them banned, but nevertheless we are banning them because they keep doing things which we ought to have told people would get them banned but didn't think of it...


I realise that this sounds a lot crapper than "They insulted a war hero, Goddamnit!", but the sport is best served by the truth.

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yeah, you need that in most things.


and they are a bunch of bell-ends. or as the world calls em. Americans :D

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Looked into this, both sides of the argument, my only conclusion? In this instance, everyone was being a bit of a wanker and should just put it away, apologise to each other, hug it out (bro-hugs, no homo) and get on with playing airsoft.

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Finius saves the day lol.

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