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support gunner loadout (i need help)

adam bussey
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there are quite a few.

But in airsoft, an mg36 is just an assault rifle with a boxmag, therefore not allowed. In airsoft its no different to fitting a box mag to an m4.


The others that you mentioned are heavier modified versions, they're less practical and therefore receive a higher allowed round count, but again not all milsims allow them.

Some milims make a distinction between lsw's and lmg's too, but not that I've seen in the UK.


I don't really see the appeal of an mg36 anyway tbh, if I wanted a support weapon I'd much rather a proper belt fed, but that's just personal preference.

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there are quite a few.

But in airsoft, an mg36 is just an assault rifle with a boxmag, therefore not allowed. In airsoft its no different to fitting a box mag to an m4.


The others that you mentioned are heavier modified versions, they're less practical and therefore receive a higher allowed round count, but again not all milsims allow them.

Some milims make a distinction between lsw's and lmg's too, but not that I've seen in the UK.


I don't really see the appeal of an mg36 anyway tbh, if I wanted a support weapon I'd much rather a proper belt fed, but that's just personal preference.


Are there actual belt fed BB MGs out there? Or you referring to those with fake links like the M249 Para?

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MG36 is a G36, with a Beta magazines and a heavy barrel, to help with the elongated fire.

Was scrapped though due to it being very midway between a G36 and the current LMG at the time.


I have used my G36 in support roles that have kit and movement restrictions, such as no support gunner is allowed to shoot unless braced or bipod down.

As mine is a proper G36, and as heavy barrels don't exist in airsoft it pretty much is a MG36. I wouldn't count it as one though unless you have the right carry handle sight and front end. Just sticking a drum mag on a G36C/K and calling it a MG36 is a bit like sticking a box mag on a 416 and calling it a M27 IAR.


Other support roles are just jealous of the weight difference!!!



Will be ordering one of these next month. Wouldn't mind ordering another for you to purchase off me to lower shipping / customs charges. Might order more anyway since last time i sold one on eBay for 100% profit :P


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So again.. what defines whats allowed? if the real weapon is belt feed? the weight? or just a list of allowed ones?


I really dislike belt feed airsofts, because the best is static while shooting.

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Its banned because some people don't like the fact H&K developed a rifle good enough to trial it as a LSW, and it being super light weight compared to its competitors, thus having a large advantage in maneuverability. :rolleyes:

And the G36 isn't exactly mobile anyway because its so long.

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