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New Pistol for the British Army

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I can never remember what the 226's designation was, but I know the Hi-Power was called the L9


Maybe it'll be the L10A7 or something lol

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I still don't see whats wrong with the Sig P226, I personally think you need a larger caliber than a 9mm, although keeping the 9mm the Army probably don't need to get rid of a whole load of new ammo and find a new supplier


ED, don't be silly, going up in numerical order would also make too much sense! The most sensible option would be the L17A4 being the glock 17 and the fourth version, however, knowing the army it'll probably end up being the L372 or something stupid!

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If there's one thing that can be said for certain, it's that it will definitely end up being something stupid.


We ought to make bets on it or something lol

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The P226 (classic/non-rail) is the L105A1. Not the UOR pistol. In service for a very long time.

The P226R is the UOR - L105A2. Also had an improved corrosion resistant finish.

P228 was the L107A1. Never part of the UOR. As with the L105A1, it's been in service for quite some time.

P229 is the L117A1. Some were purchased as UOR (dog handlers), some were not. The Royal Military Police and RM Fleet Protection Group bought their own.


You can probably guess why some of these have official designations but were not issued in the UOR.


L6- has never been used for a pistol. Similarly L106- hasn't been used.

I suggest it'll be the L131A1. Last piece of new kit was the L129A1, and there's already an L130 in service. However, this of course goes by the belief that the MoD give things designations in a logical way...



Also - whilst the photo of the prototype on TFB is the one I meant - it seems that the issued Glock doesn't have an extra safety afterall. Looks like the media got it wrong (looking at the Guardian article, which was the first to report this on Wednesday, they've removed all references to safety... :rolleyes: )

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So we've gone from L85 to L105 to L129, I somehow doubt there is any logical process to it what so ever!

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Well there was some logic behind it - there were already items using the Land number designation between those items.

When items using designations are removed from service the numbers get reused again.

Which is why the P226 is the L105 - but before that, there was a howitzer also designated the L105.


At least it avoids the US system where everything has the same designation. New pistol? M1. New rifle? M1. New light tank? M1. New MBT? M1. New grenade? M1. New howitzer? M1. New... etc.

Now, go to the armoury and ask for a replacement "M1" - and see if you actually get what you want...

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Does this mean even more people(airsofters) will have glocks now :(


Not a fan of super common guns. Although was gonna get a G17 for my Black Mesa kit :/

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I'd say Glocks were almost as common as Sigs are anyway.


In fact a surprising number of people don't know what a Sig is, presumably because they're not in any current video games and never really ever have been, for some reason.


Apart from milsim games like PR and Arma I've never actually seen a Sig in anything other than the newer Medal of "Honor" franchise.


On the flip side, Glocks are in everything, people are obsessed with G18s.

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, people are obsessed with G18s.


So true, does any military or police force actually use them??

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They use SIG's in act of valour if I remember rightly. Great film. Love the hot extract scene in it. Sorry. I digress ;)

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If you ask me, they should just get a Glock and a SIG, have one holstered on each thigh and go pistol akimbo.. then you can ask the enemy which one they prefer to die with?

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Nick the Malaysians do


But why??... :/


If you ask me, they should just get a Glock and a SIG, have one holstered on each thigh and go pistol akimbo.. then you can ask the enemy which one they prefer to die with?


While I can see you're joking, I still feel to mention for the benefit of everyone that akimbo does in no way mean to duel wield or double or anything of the sort. I actually means to stand with both your arms on your hips with your elbows acing outwards. So one would stand with their arms akimbo.. As this small child is demonstrating..



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It's just a CoD fail phrase.


Or... Phaze...


Or not. Haha.


Always wondered how they came to call duel wielding akimbo though... Seems completely non-sensical.

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Nick the Malaysians do


Wait WHAT????

Will have to check that out next time im out there.


( FYI I'm Malay :P )

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That's the prototype from four years ago. It wasn't on the Glock used in the videos news stations were showing, nor the Glock used in the photo comparisons between the Browning and the Glock.


I'm starting to think it doesn't have an extra safety, and someone has just misreported/misunderstood what the trigger safety already on the Glock is. Like I said earlier, The Guardian's article, which was the first to be posted about this (2 days before the announcement) has been edited,and the paragraph about the Glock's safety has been removed.

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So what are the best options for getting an airsoft G17Gen4?


Ideally I want one that has the KWA NS2 system in it, but I don't know if KWA make one... I certainly can't find one anywhere, not the NS2 one anyway.


Only Glock 17 I can find that's actually sold under the title, "Glock 17 Gen 4" is the WE one, but I still don't trust WE enough to buy it...

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Regarding whether the Malaysians use them or not, I can ask one of my old flatmates. He was in the army for 2 years before he came over to London to study dentistry.


As for WE - their new SIG series seems pretty good, I haven't read any complaints - aside from the usual "Britain is too cold". Unlike WE's older GBB pistols, which I have heard a lot of complaints about :lol:

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But, I'd still rather get a pistol I knew at least had some resistance to cold, like KWA with the NS2 system... But I don't know if there is a G17Gen4 by KWA with the new system, is there?

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