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ares msr & socom gear m9 hitman compensator

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The Socom certainly LOOKS nice...but I prey no one buys one!!!


It is an adjusted WE M9 and I have had nothing but problems with it.....looks wise great but no ability and no confidence in the weapon.

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looks like a pain to strip down......for me, the only real hitman gun, is the dual chrome 1911's

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If that msr is vsr compatable and not stupidly priced I'm having one. The colour conserns me though. Looks bronze. Black is the way to go.

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It is VSR compatible but being ares it probably wont be fully. Also ARES have a way of announcing a lot earlier than releasing, so realistically I cant see this being available till at least this time next year.


Looks nice though, I prefer the Ashbury but it's nice all the same.

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The ashbury looks very similar. I think the finish looks abit plasticy though. I'm funny with my colours lol. I'd rather it be black. Be of corse it's tan on cod so they made a tan one. (Damn you mw3..)

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