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The BEST rifle out there?

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I am a complete noob, when it comes to airsoft but after months of watching videos online and weighing up the pros and cons of paintball vs. airsoft, my mate and I have decided to get fully into airsoft. We'll be gearing up, and then I guess joining a skirmish site around London. Hopefully we'll get good enough to join a clan/battalion (if such things exist), and then we hope to play soldier most weekends, and get super serious about it.


Now all we want to know is, quite simply, what is the BEST rifle out there? Budget isn't a problem for us, we're prepared to pay top dollar for the best rifle on the market. By best, I guess I mean, most accurate and most powerful. Now doubt rate of fire also comes into it?


I understand that UK airsoft guns are legally limited to 350 fps? If you get shot by a 350, can you actually feel it? And what is the likelihood of being able to play with more powerful FPS at a skirmish site? Are they strict about these things, or does no one really care if you're using more powerful guns?


Sorry for all the questions, as my name says, I'm an AIRNOOB.

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firstly welcome to the forum.


i have got to say your post comes across as a few things but most of all its coming across as your going to push the 350fps site limits with no regards to rules....



put it this way...most experienced airsofters know what a rifle above 350 feels like and sites chrono and spot check...potentially get found get banned.



as for most expensive then look for a systema

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not legally limited to 350, but sites do not allow higher for safety reasons.

Yes, you can feel 350fps, 250 can knock a tooth out under the right circumstances.


If you use a higher fps (over site limits) other players will not be impressed.

Marshals will not be impressed.

Marshals will tell you to leave.

You will not be impresssed.


Most sites are strict, you have to chrono on a .2 gram BB at the start of the day.


Play by the rules and you'll be fine.


as for BEST rifle? there isn't one. Otherwise we'd all have one.

I know a lot of people are going to throw the words 'systema' and 'celcius' around alot in here. They're accurate (when set up and using quality ammo) they have reasonable ROF's and excellent range, plus they are the same size weight and shape as the real steel, but they are finicky, expensive, unreliable and a LOT of players will take every opportunity to shoot at 'the noob with the expensive kit'


They say there is someone for everyone, and the same applies to airsoft weapons, there IS a rifle or weapon out there that you WILL LOVE using and nothing else will match for you (for me it's a G&G UMP, but it's not for everyone) and a lot of people go through many weapons trying to find the right one (how many girlfriends do you have before you get married?)

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if you want to play with higher fps then you have 2 choices


1 look for a site that has i higher limit ( my local is 370fps for full auto aeg's )


2 go down the locked to semi/ bolt action route most sites allow semi only aeg's to be slighty stronger than full auto ones and bolt actions can go upto around 500 fps



and i wouldnt recomend the old use heavier ammo to get under the chrono test as if your called for using a hot rifle most sites will ask for your aeg and load .2's in them selves just to make sure you havent tried to trick them as remember 99% of site marshells and owners have been playing airsoft donkeys years and know just about every trick in the book.


as for the best aeg theres a few brands but remember price doesnt mean its the best

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Thanks for the replies. Greatly appreciated.


I had absolutely no intention of breaking any rules and completely understand the need for safety limits. Having never played a game or owned a gun before, I kind of assumed that the limit would be a bit weak - but if you guys say you can feel it when you get hit, then that's all I needed to know!


I guess my head has been filled with all of this paintball vs airsoft propaganda! All the paintballers say that with airsoft you don't feel the hits, but with paintball obviously you do.


I would hate to be that noob with all the new gear that everyone wants to take down, so I will try my best to avoid such a scenario. I have always wanted to own a H&K MP5, as I loved the SAS when I was a kid. Are there any quality MP5s out there?


G&G seems to be cropping up a lot, in my research. I will definitely take a look at them.

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its ok mate as for the airsoft paintball debat each have there pros and cons for example


paint ball is stupidly expensive to play £10 gets you 100 rounds at most sites where £10 will get you 3000 rounds at most airsoft sites


paintball is clear and easy to see when your hit while airsoft relies on the players honesty and sportsmanship


paintballs fly in all directions once they get to about 30 metres while a decent airsoft rifle can shoot accurately past 50 metres ( and thats just your straight out the box aegs )



i would recommend going along to a game day and use a hire kit almost all sites offer them and its a great way to try before you buy as you may not actually like it once you have been ( how this would happen is beyond me lol)


also are you and your mate over 18? because if you are your best bet is to hire untill you can get your defence sorted which would then allow you to buy a full black airsoft rifle rarther than the two tone versions.


as for mp5's theres a fair few on the market g&g are a good make but theres also ics, tokyo mauri etc but go along to a local shop and try a few rifles out as you may not like the feel of an mp5 once u hold it


theres wolf armouries in london ( Camden) also a few others.


me i went for an m4 for my first aeg as used the g36 as a hire gun and just hated the fire selector.

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G&G MP5's have very good reviews i.e the MP5 SD6.


Have a look what is around and depends on what scenario you are looking at...CQB or woodland.


Try a site that has various rental weapons and get used to it.


Get your head around UKARA for the weapons etc...

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I have a G&G MP5, have a look in the review section for my full say on it.


As for the best rifle... In my opinion, once you've learned a few tricks of the trade, there are no real "good" or "bad" guns, since almost every part of every gun can be swapped for an alternative. It's just a case of finding the right combination of parts and fitting them together correctly.


Out of the box and untouched, sure some are better than others. But once you know your way around the guts of a gun, truly know and understand how every inch of it works, you can mod it to hell and back. You could probably get a G&G plastic, bottom of the range M4 worth £100 to shoot as well as a £1500 Systema if you knew what you were doing with it.


Just find out which brands are the most reputable and then just buy what you like the look of the most. Once you've played around with it a bit, have a look online and find some guides on how to dismantle it and start to get a feel for how it works. Then look into what sort of upgrades are available and so on.


You can modify a gun for fps, rate of fire and range very easily without much knowledge. But if you want to utterly perfect it, you'll have to really know the gun well.


Which conveniently, is what the forums are for! I advise you get reading lol.


I will say one more thing though. Building a gun and then working on it to alter it completely, from the look, to the performance, offers an immense level of self satisfaction once you get it running how you want it to.

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If you've never played before, it might be worth actually getting to a game and renting first. Most of your questions will be answered there and you'll know whether you liked it or not ;-)


As for "the best gun" - as above, there is no single answer. It's like asking "What's the best car?" then going out and buying an Aston Martin DB9 based on the answers. It'll be luxurious and quick on the motorway, but no use whatsoever in the Dakar rally!


Find a site you like the look of and try it out by renting. If it's mainly indoor CQB you might want a short rifle or SMG. If it's all outdoor woodland you might want a longer one! If you go along and rent for a game or two you'll see what goodies all the other players have. I've never met an airsofter yet who won't tell you all about their gun if you ask politely :)

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Yeah what everyone else said but I think the key to it is where your playing.


There's no point playing CQB with a sniper and only being able to shoot in 1 place. Similarly long/heavy weapons (Support MG's etc) in CQB will just get you shot a lot.


I would find a site, see what other people are using, (hire guns), make some friends, ask if you can try/shoot their gun into a safe area without people (ask marshals too) and get a feel for it.


In woodland or outdoor 80%+ go for a rifle with the exceptions picking up machine guns, shotguns and snipers. Once you narrow it down to a category it will be a lot easier.

In CQB 90%+ go for smg's etc or rifles with bullpup designs (short barrels) to make turning and shooting around corners easier.


Again its personal choice and there's no substitute for picking a gun up and shooting it. - I don't know of any shops that have sample guns that you can try before you buy but Im sure some exist - Probably charge you more though.

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