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Airsoft RPD

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Custom guns are out there, but as said, I haven't heard of any companies making them but there was probably a small company that made a limited number of conversion kits or something, like the PP19 conversion kits...speaking of which...I need to start saving to buy a conversion kit when someone makes one!

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Been over to red alliance, the best Eastern block website for softing, and the answer is NO. There are no airsoft conversion kits, pretty much have to build one yourself from a deactivated one



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  marksman556 said:
Isn't altering a deac illegal?


yep, i think your ok to take wooden furniture and bits like that but you might be able to find them on fleabay for alot ceaper than a de-ac

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it would be good to see a airsoft PKM or a dshk yes a dshk it would be good to see one of them in action on a tripod B)

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  craig said:
it would be good to see a airsoft PKM or a dshk yes a dshk it would be good to see one of them in action on a tripod B)



Nice pick, but I would prefer a bren gun :)

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  Flynn567 said:
Nice pick, but I would prefer a bren gun :)



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Craig it's your lucky day. Echo 1 have made a PKM lol

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  Flynn567 said:
You would think all the guns in COD would get airsoft versions lol


It's really weird, airsoft manufacturers often seem to overlook or ignore what people want, with weapons which would have a pretty big market, regardless of whether they're popular via film, TV, games or genuine interest ("I've seen X-unit use this gun in real life, I want it"). ***Just stick to the easy stuff.


Take TM - there is a huge market (seriously, a lot of people) for people wanting original P226s (non rail), P228s and P229s - but of the SIG-Sauer range, they only make P226Rs, and the new P226-E2.


Or WW2 stuff. Massive markets. But, at least people like ARES and ICS are now making a move towards this (with both releasing their M3 Greaseguns).


***Obviously, I am simplifying this a lot, what with Cybergun, Umarex and the like on the prowl, some companies are weary of making products lest they get attacked by the lawyers...

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  ELITEairsofter100 said:
Craig it's your lucky day. Echo 1 have made a PKM lol



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Consider it a goal, as goals are something you can work towards, rather than a dream which you sit and think about with your thumb up your a** ;)

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