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Real Steel shooting in U.K.?

Henry Wisdom
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Hey I know the U.K. is really up tight when it comes to Real steel firearms, but I was just wondering if there's anywhere in the U.K. where I could fire some?


Now I don't mean any petty Air Rifle Shooting and Clay Pigeon shooting with a double barrel shotgun... I mean the type that we all have Airsoft imitations of i.e. L85's, M4/M16's, G36's etc...


When I was in year 10-11 at school, one of the options I chose to study was a BTEC in the Public Services. Part of this course meant we had to join the 'Combined Cadet Force' (CCF) which was fine by me. We got to go on camps where under supervision from responsible, well trained instructors (Military personnel) got to fire weaponry such as the L85A2, L86 (or LSW), GPMG, as well as take a look at other firearms (but not fire) like the M4 Carbine, Aug, AK series, RPG 7, and basically things that the British Army is fighting against in Afghan...


Anyway, going a bit off topic there... So is there a place where I could possibly go under the supervision of professionals (as explained above) and get to fire such equipment again? As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with it and if there is, then perhaps there should be a petition against it. *NEW* (Legalise semi/fully automatic guns of any calibre whilst in a safe environment, run by Professional instructors.


Something like this would be fine I reckon: Walk onto range area, sign in. First few times you go have an instructor with you to show you the ropes, how the equipment is used and make sure your not messing about and being a danger to yourself or anyone else etc. Then after that you can book the kit out yourself and take it onto the range, but still with marshals nearby. And then sign out when your done. :)

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under the VCR act of 1960 something you can not own a rifle above a .22 a pistol under the length of 30cm

or a shotgun that can hold more than 3 shots

except northern Ireland were we/I can have pistols in all caliber i can also carry them around openly in public which i do B)

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sadly not, certinaly not on civilian ranges.

No pistols anymore IIRC

no fully automatics

very very limited (if any) semi-automatic and only on small calibre.


best bet for a laugh is to contact one of the 'long' ranges and see if there are any large calibre bolt action rifles available for use.


sadly due to our ridiculous laws it is near impossible to start shooting as a hobby and we still don't have the lowest gun-crime rates in the UK despite some of the strictest firearms laws.

Bureaucracy gone mad and all that.

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@Craig Really!? Now that's just unfair... ^_^ Suppose not being part of mainland U.K. has its benefits after all. :) May have to make a tactical move to N.Ireland. Eh but concealed firearms on the streets for "self protection." :/ I'm not really for that at all... If another civilian is allowed to have a gun on them, I WANT a gun on me to be honest you'd be daft not to. There's a lot of this "momentary madness" going on these days lol.

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we still don't have the lowest gun-crime rates in the UK despite some of the strictest firearms laws.

Bureaucracy gone mad and all that.


Agree with that completely... The Black Market has found a gap in the market, and is able to sell guns that previously were not available in a gun shop, and gun crime has increased because of it. harassment from groups towards vulnerables has also increased. I swear we never used to have as higher knife crime either? We've just swapped one problem for another... The Governments got to much self pride to admit they messed up and sort it.

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I'm all for (properly licensed and restricted to legitimate citizens) concealed carry laws in the UK. not knowing if the guy you're about to try and mug is carrying something and is far more highly trained than you are to use it would be enough to put most people off. For those that are not put off by this thought... well... Darwinism kicks in.

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under the VCR act of 1960 something you can not own a rifle above a .22 a pistol under the length of 30cm

or a shotgun that can hold more than 3 shots

except northern Ireland were we/I can have pistols in all caliber i can also carry them around openly in public which i do B)


Ireland: Baileys, Guiness and Jameson. Hot women. Hot women with the awesome accent. And now, pistols.


I'm pretty much sold on Ireland.

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Assuming I can hitch a lift, I'm planning on going shooting for the first time (well, first time will full calibre rifles) this coming Saturday.


I've emailed my closest range by finding their address on the National Rifle Association website and the club's administrator has been inviting me to their open events ever since, I've just not had a chance to attend them yet.


If I manage to go this time though, I'm promised a go with a 7.62 bolt action rifle, shooting with open sights at a stationary target at 300 yards, as well as the option to become a proper member of the club, giving me (I hope) a greater range of things to try.


Such as shooting up to and over 1000 yards, using optics. Fingers crossed I get a lift, I've always wanted to get into long range full bore shooting, I love the idea of adjusting for windage and elevation to increase the challenge, really looking forward to it.

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I'm not entirely sure of the geographical location but if you go on google maps and search for "thorpe cloud" then the range is up a small off road track from the hotel just south east of the pin marker that gets planted by the search.


It's called Thorpe Cloud Range.

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If any of you are interested in having a safe system like I've talked about in my first comment where you can shoot real steel under the close watch of professionals then go to the link below, and if you agree with what I stand for then sign it. :)


LINK: Legalise semi/fully automatic guns of any calibre whilst in a safe environment, run by Professional instructors.

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I've signed it.

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Pretty awesome time shooting today, fired some bolt action rifles chambered in the AK's 7.62x39mm round. Pretty hefty kick to it on only a 7.5 pound rifle.


Only got 10 shots, but 5 were bulls eyes, so they were within at least 3 inches of each other and it all came pretty naturally once I realised there was a flag to judge the wind at the target end of the range.


Plus, 3 went through the same hole 'cos I'm just such a boss.


So pretty good for a first time effort considering the target was 200 yards away =D


I also saw someone there from Birmingham Uni's shooting society or club or whatever, who had a genuine Lee Enfield Mk.IV... Wish I could've had a go with that =[

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  • 3 months later...

That's stupid, I've always known you could get guns but just needed clarification on exactly which. The only people at really have guns are posh with double barrel shotguns shooting at pheasants.

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