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Albiscuit last won the day on April 30 2021

Albiscuit had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Mostly SMGs but use Scorpion EVO or TM MP7 the most
  • Loadouts
    Whatever is comfortable, a mix of outdoor wear and random pouches
  • Sites
    Anywhere Near London or SE
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London
  • Interests
    Trainers, Music, Airsoft.

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  1. First visit to The Mall in over 6 months. Had fun but was quite disappointed, lots of cheating and faaar too many people for my liking.. The staff did address issues so not the sites fault about the cheating, just a lot of dicks about that day :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Best of luck because dont think I will be doing another one.

    3. Albiscuit


      Read the thread, saw the issues and stress you have had putting this one together. Such a shame. Great idea a forum game or two, shame people are flakey :(

    4. Seany.exe


      Well we have the minimum players now all paid deposit etc at least right? So surely now it's just a case of any extras pay their fees and they can join or is there a max limit to the players?

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