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JamesAirsofterAgent last won the day on August 14 2016

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  • Guns
    Galaxy g21 - Spring (First)
    G&G CM16 Raider-L
    KJW M9
    Cyma M1A1
    S&T SMLE
  • Sites
    Bristol Courthouse
    Black Ops Cribs & Port
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  1. In your opinion what is the best springer gun? (Below £40) As well as a reason to get it. I know you all said to save my money and that is why I said no to the l85. However, I want my mum to be able to see what an airsoft gun is and does. My only reasons that I can think of right now are to do with it helping me at cadets. Thanks all.

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    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I'll see what I can do about the Glock, it seems a brilliant idea, thanks Chock. However, to get the Glock I think I would have to get the l85. Its the only way I can think of doing it. L85 to help with the l98 training and the Glock as a tag along" treat" for A's and A*'s. Thanks all!

    3. Chock


      I've used them on the stairs at Trojan dual wielded, where you absolutely do need a pistol, or two. They do okay since they are semi-automatic. The range/ accuracy is a non issue engaging on a stairwell, especially when blatting away with two of them lol. The only problem really is the fps is low. Not a bad thing for whoever you are shooting at, but potentially means they don't feel a hit.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      That was why a L85 is what we use in cadets & good for weapon training bollox

      The shotgun could be deemed a bit menacing from a "parents point of view"

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