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Snakeeyes75 last won the day on March 1 2015

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Silverback SRS, MK23 & Hi Capa
  • Loadouts
    Jack Pyke LLCS, MULTICAM
  • Sites
    EAG-Worthing & Dorking, DOGTAGS Horsham
  • Gender
  • Location
    Worthing, Sussex
  • Interests
    Shootin people! Collecting toys (Hot toys, Bit of Lego) GI Joe, Star Wars..

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  1. I got bored and just bought another VSR GSPEC...

  2. I couldn't resist, I just bought a TM Breacher!!!

    1. Esoterick


      They are great guns, I only sold mine as I barely used it. Always funny seeing someone flinch when you dry fire it by mistake.

    2. Snakeeyes75


      Hehe, I've been wanting one since they came out. Purely for fun but it's going to be my "Wet weather day gun". I got to use one 2 weeks ago and that made my mind up. You certainly don't get any non hit takers with one!



  3. Ed (edgi) very good via Facebook however expect to pay a nasty tax on import. I've bought the vsr kit and another barrel via FB and his service is awesome but it costs a fair old bit. Sam at KOA makes orders frequently from him so he may be able to offer one at a cheaper price. I'd recommend you ask him to r hop it too (£40) his r hops are VERY good!
  4. Completely depends on Joule creep. Measuring 500 on a .2 would preobably be creeping by 60fps (So 390ish on a .43) so you'd be achieving 75-85+ meters. I had all this with my VSR, I run that at dead on 2.32J and 65-70 max is my useable range.
  5. Internally it has a 6.02 edgi R hopped barrel. Firing 343fps with a .2 and 282 with a .3 (So zero Joule creep). TBH my Mancraft VSR firing .45's at 2.32J can only beat it by say 5 meters! Maybe worth adding that before I had the work done, I was getting 50 meters (Just) with a .25
  6. Not really new but I got my TM Scar L CQC back from Sam at Kingdom of airsoft. I know the view on upgrading TM's will divide most people but I'll let the figure's do the talking. I can now hit a target with relative ease at 63 meters, with a bit of a lob it'll hit 70. No more nasty Semi lock up's thank's to the Spectre Mosfet, ROF is pretty much the same (14 rps) as I'm running the same 7.4 1450mah lipo with Prometheus gearing (The same ratio as before) but I don't care as I run midcaps. Nice to have the 3 round burst option too!
  7. If you are looking for a complete new gun then go Krytac, the SPR or CRB sound superb out of the box. (I'm probably going ot get myself one when the MK2 is released in a few months).
  8. Mid caps and a magnification scope!
  9. From the interview on youtube (Gorilla radio) with Krytac, the MK2 has a new Billet Receiver, new pistol grip and a forward release on the spring. I've noticed Landwarrior have them back in stock so I've been really tempted but if there's a new one coming out I just can't pull the plug! I know that the current Trident is going ot be called the "Alpha" and it'll be a budget range product with the MK2's being hiked in price a small amount.
  10. My quandry is I don't know how it will compare to my stock TM recoil Scar?
  11. I thought the MK2 version is out fairly soon? I was going to wait for that one!
  12. And what would you say that the range is? (Effective)
  13. I think this is what I need: http://www.best4systems.co.uk/peltor-boom-microphone-and-down-lead.html
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