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Josh95 last won the day on November 22 2015

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  1. @Colin Allen Thank you! @neh0 @Tommikka Thanks they are a bit far from me compared to what Collin mentioned, but thanks for the info!
  2. Hi guys, As you may have seen in an earlier post I'm getting back into the hobby. I prefer to touch and feel things before I drop quite a bit of money 🤣. What is the best Airsoft store within 2 hours of London? Thanks
  3. @Cannonfodder Thanks for the recommendation, I have never heard of that one. Will attend some time soon!
  4. Fair enough, that does make sense. I don't mind playing rental games again anyway. Oh nice! They don't have any pictures on their site so I can't get a feel for it. I might attend their next vent on the 27th, thanks for the recommendation.
  5. Hello, Thanks for the recommendation. I have been to Billericay Skirmish but never Airsoft Plantation, I will have to try it
  6. @RostokMcSpoons Oh yes spamming is a lot of fun (you should call it `suppressive fire`, that sounds more serious haha), I always preferred the sneaky flanky style and the battle rattle of 4 hicaps would almost certainly give me away haha! I think 400ish bb's is enough for me. Would you say those DE replicas are good enough range/accuracy wise out of the box? That's really what I am mainly concerned with, having a fancy replica is nice but if it doesnt shoot straight its no fun. The best replica I ever owned was an ICS g33 it shot so straight! It was much better than far more expensive stuff I owned. @Tactical Pith Helmet Thanks thats exactly what I am after!
  7. Hello, I have not been around since 2016. I recently moved back to where I used to play airsoft, so want to try it out again, my UKARA expired in 2016. I have emailed the site I used to play at but they have not got back to me. Will I have to play the 3 rental games again? I have done a little bit of research, seems like the `Double Eagle M908B` is the new go to starter gun? It was a g&g combat machine when I used to play. Will I be somewhat competitive with a cheapo gun like that, (50-60m with .28s)? Also can anyone recommend me a lightweight cheap chest rig, I've found this https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/8fields-tactical-compact-multi-mission-chest-harness?fv=11580 but can anyone recommend me something else. I just want to hold 2 extra mags that's all. Also, have any new sites popped up around Essex/London? Can anyone recommend a good CQB site? Thanks for reading, and I'm excited to be back.
  8. Hello, I also have not played since 2016! But returning now
  9. 4 asg midcaps, theyre really nice quality for the price feed/fit perfect in my m16
  10. Does anyone have a G&G AR with a spring tension release? can you explain how it works? thanks
  11. anyone used ASG Midcaps? they're very cheap so I'm a bit dubious
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