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Everything posted by ItsAJ

  1. You got it in one nutshell mate! Even my family member just turned around to me there and said that is what you get for buying from the net lol, but it is true you can't beat seeing something in person and feeling it.
  2. 470 is still cheaper than what I payed for it! Thanks for that if the gun is returned that would be perfect for me to get it here, I would rather travel and hold the exact gun than get a dud!
  3. I will be honest this is my second scar h that has came faulty and with missing parts, I am worried that if i spend another 30 quid on postage to and from that I am going to get another gun with another problem. Its cost me so much so far.
  4. Also noticed the extending stock is very stiff and sometimes the push down button jams a bit i wonder had someon tried to fix this and then in the process lost the battery wire holder.
  5. Great thanks! Been out with the gun fired about 100 bbs and it worked perfect as you say accuracy wise etc but still rattling, thinking I might keep the gun and ask for a replacement part for the wires. On my mobile so cant multi quote but that would be great if you could take a look at yours thanks and much appreciated!
  6. I am not sure, don't want to open it up! Any way of telling? Maybe they test fired it before sending but dunno how it would get in there?I will say one thing this one feeds perfect and shoots perfect! I don't know if I should keep it and just ask can they send me the part for the wire? Or do you think the rattle is something to be concerned about?
  7. Yea I finally got a refund for the other so got this from Wolf Armouries
  8. Listening closer the rattle actually seems to be just above the bolt catch release button. It seems to roll for a while. Really damn!
  9. Hey guys me, again unfortunately! New gun different company this time I opened the box and immediately noticed a rattle like something was rolling down inside the gun around the receiver area, it's hard to pin point where but above the selection switch and forward slightly. Also the little hinge clip inside the butt that holds the battery in place and you wrap you batteries wires around was completely missing. Not really sure if that matters tbh, I still got my battery in but it was a bit fiddly to close it without the clip holding the wires out of the way. Anybody else hear a slightly rattle or roll in that area on a TM Recoil Shock? The guy said if it shoots ok it's up to me I can keep it or if I want I can send it back. They also said they will give me about half the cost of posting which was ok!
  10. Final fantasy 7 might be old but never grows old. Amazing game, my favourite tbh , waiting for them to announce a remake of it.
  11. Actually this saves me starting a new thread but battery etc is it ok to game in heavy rain? Does it not bugger the electrical internals? Only reason I ask is I just bought my gun so no longer a rental and have to care for my own aeg now and I live in Ireland nuff said?
  12. A TM recoil L85 that would be sooo sexy. Man you know so much!
  13. You actually just read my mind. TM should add a few more types to their recoil shock series then we would be talking
  14. I played a two day event in the rain right through the night and to be honest it was so refreshing, I was stuffy and warm and it kept me cool enough to keep going, only thing is I went through 4 pairs of socks and two boots and even the wellies didn't keep the water out of the long grass from getting in. Be prepared that is my advice.
  15. Thinking of getting a new LG G3, anyone got one?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      I thought you were asking about the JG G3 :/

    3. ItsAJ


      That heap of dung lol, no!

    4. SimonQuigley


      IMO the camera on the 5C is really good. I've not tried many others so not really much to compare to.

  16. Yea I do a prominent nose so I knew it may be an issue. I looked at all those exact glasses last night online! That is the problem I have no stores near me or I would spend an hour trying them on. Are these all ok for aiming down sights with?
  17. Hey guys exactly what the titles says, what are the best glasses/goggles for comfort and have no gaps around the face? I bought the Emerson low pro boogie regulator they have a small gap around the bottom of the lens and the bridge of my nose hurt so 16 quid in the drain! Great looking though! I know there are a lot of threads of eye protection but I couldn't find anything with this being the main issue, most were about fogging not sealing or comfort.
  18. I had looked them up last night after you mentioned them, at first I got mistaken for the cheap Devils in green but finally I found the ones you ment, got some reviews on them too, some people thought they were the bees knees, others thought they were some of the worst they had used! Double feeding being the main problem on some aegs. Yea the TM perfect hit brand are made using the ball bearing process, they are the ones I was thinking of getting. Like most bbs though they still have some bad reviews.
  19. Any of you tried BBbastard with them? They seem to be getting great reviews!
  20. Yea haha I reordered the scar from another retailer, since my last was I believe faulty, but the last retailer blamed it on my bbs, madbulls and cybergun high densitys which I thought was utter crap, but he has put fear into me of using them now so checking to see what you guys are all using. If I could get the TM ones I would but I can only find them by ordering from Japan or China and the postage is like 15 pounds or more!
  21. Hi guys just wondering what BBs do you use with your TM recoil shock? I am considering using just Tokyo Maruis own bb brand that is supplied in the box, any body know the best place to get 0.2g or 0.25g TM bbs in the UK ?
  22. Got all my new kit so happy with it all!
  23. Getting quite good at sewing with the amount of times i have tailored my multicam trousers lol

  24. Yea that's the one down my road I though was closed, I take it that's the site you were talking about too?
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