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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Had some bits myself from Rafal86 on here. He is definitely good people. Very painless experience.
  2. I assume you are fairly new to airsofting based on your question? My advice is 1. Take in what the guys above have said. They DO know what they are talking about 2. Wait until you are registered before buying a RIF. Save your money. $50 for 2 toning is about £30 towards your gun. 3. Read my point 1 again. Find and read and digest Ian's guide to newbism on the site. You'll learn everything you need. Sorry fella, this is probably not what you wanted to read but, in the long run, you will be better off. Skeet.
  3. Try over at the Umarex Boys Club forum. They are an air pistol site, you may have some luck there. I'm not good with links and stuff, but if you google it you'll have no problem.
  4. Ordered a dump pouch from these fellas a couple of weeks ago. I received the "dispatched"email as per usual, but the pouch never arrived. I contacted tactical chimps on Thursday this week to explain. By Friday, I had a replacement pouch waiting for me at the parcels office. The only delay was because I was out when it should have been delivered. It would have been easy for them to blame the post and to tell me to take it up with them. Excellent service and I will most certainly use them again.
  5. V2K1, you don't need to justify anything. My reply was as a result of reading that it was your 1st game ever and that the normal route into UKARA defence had been bypassed. As I say I wasn't criticising, more trying to warn that some may have read your post and posted some form of rebuke owing to the fact that they have had to wait etc. etc. I hope it was taken in this manner, if not I apologise. The last thing I would want to be seen as is a keyboard warrior.
  6. Daaaagh! Missed that bit. BUT, I thought there was a bit where he said he'd not played yet? Must have read it wrong. Lozart, you are, sir, yet again correct. My post wasn't meant as a criticism, I hope it didn't read that way? Tizzy hopefully avoided!
  7. Well done to you, sir, for managing that. However, you may need to prepare yourself for some comments on this thread that may be less than complimentary.
  8. Ah! I stand corrected. I did wonder how they could be that low priced as a gbb. Thank you sir, I'll stop looking at em meself!
  9. Those displays and collections are fantastic. My own modest collection dwells in gun cases in the spare room. But I can at least show the current Mrs. Skeeter that I have some way to go to before she can say I have too many.
  10. I think there's a g&g combat machine gbb m4, if I am not mistaken. Should be in your budget, too. I dunno how they perform but one of the guys in the forum will.
  11. Got a G&G AK too. Performs fine, you won't be disappointed.
  12. UPDATE Mag freed and drinking straw now in toolkit in gunbag! thanks once again.
  13. My bad, just read your post again, missed the cqb bit. Sorry. Not sure about them. Over to the cqb guys.
  14. I think you may be ok. I will stand corrected, by those of infinitely more experience than I, that most sites say 350 plus a bit. I use two CM's (M4 carbine and RK47) both are ok at my site. 1 or 2 fps shouldn't make that much of a problem for you.
  15. As ever, informative AND humorous, all in the same thread. Thanks, chaps.
  16. I have a cyma ak hi cap mag ( bright orange bakelite look a like) which stopped feeding mid skirmish. It is wound up but the bb's just will not push up to the top. The main reservoir is empty and there are bb's in the tube lower down but they are stuck. I cant find anything that will release the spring tension. Any advice/ assistance, fellas?
  17. Pro airsoft supplies and patrol base (and probably loads of other stores) have genuine Bolle goggles in for about a tenner or thereabouts. Anti fog, too. Bit lighter and you know the quality control is sorted.
  18. Fella, if you need any more confirmation on top of what has been said, here it is. I did a similar thing. I am/was an air rifle/pistol shooter and found out about aeg's, so I went out and bought a clear g&g cm 16 to shoot in the garden. Then thought I'd give skirmishing a go. Never looked back. It is literally addictive. Fantastic day out. Keps you active and, like Sitting Duck says, the targets move and fire back. The CM 16 holds its own with most of the guns I have seen used and is definitely worth saving the extra money for. Even for the back yard. Also, if you do go down the route you described of having the thing delivered by one of the blokes from the shop, be wary. As I say, from my air gunning days, I am aware of a couple of similar schemes, but they were highly criticised/disliked because they very often failed to live up to their promises. Tales of guns ordered and never delivered etc. I don't believe any money was paid up front but folks were sat twiddling thumbs for weeks/months for a gun that never came.
  19. Yes, its a nice feature, you know the batt is connected ok, and all (should be! ) in order. I note that PT 247 loves his and I would have to agree that when it was working, the gun was great. It was shooting at 378 with an M100 spring. I had to put an M90 in to bring it into my site limits. It was accurate and had great range.
  20. PT247, no sucking of eggs, matey, any help/advice is greatly appreciated, but yep, I tried the selector in all different positions. I'm using an 11.1 1450 Lipo, which I seem to recall is recommended ( not got the destructions to hand) AND remembered the bolt release each time I changed mags. From your earlier post, definitely not a blockage. Straffham, I'll check the fuse if and when I can. BUT there is no way on gods green earth will I indulge in the dark and mysterious art of dismantling an airsoft gun. I WILL have some bits left over when I put the damn thing back together. Lol
  21. Not tried that one, but I don't get the beep when I connect the battery, would a blockage cause that?
  22. Insurgency. Not played yet myself, but it has excellent reviews.
  23. I have to confess that, having read the comments by spatch, tacmaster and rockclimbydave, I was a little disheartened. They were dissing my prize, my trophy. I thought "maybe they are just bitter and discouraged by airsoft's cruel hand" Until yesterday. I finally managed to take my scorpion to a skirmish.It performed brilliantly. For about an hour! Damned thing just stopped. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Maybe it's just a dodgy battery. Nope battery's fine. I don't know what it is yet, I am hoping to get it in for repair later this week. What I do know is that, had I paid 360 sheets for it instead if winning it, I would be VERY disgruntled right now. So, my sincere apologies to the above named gentlemen. I shall hang on your every word from now on. To prospective scorpion users, please be careful.......
  24. Many thanks gentlemen. I'll have a look at your recs when I can...
  25. Gents, Recommendations please for hi cap or mid caps for my g & g rk 47. Cheers in anticipation.
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