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Everything posted by loctez

  1. loctez

    Russian Camo suit

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    Full two piece with boonie. Unsure on sizes as no labels in the main suit. I am 6ft, normal build with a 34in waist, fits me nicely. Unused. Price inc. postage


  2. loctez

    Ak mags various


    • For sale
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    4x e&l mid caps 1x unknown mid cap 2x cyma mid caps All fed in an e&l ak. Some have had a little bit of filing to fit e&l. They all fed in a stock cyma ak. Price inc. postage


  3. loctez

    Sig 552 magazines

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    3x stubby hi cap 3x hi caps 4x mid caps (mag brand) All worked in a JG sig552


  4. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Off brand, as photographed. Works nicely just don't have a rif that makes us of it anymore. Price inc. postage


    - GB

  5. Skirmish CQB is great. Hells airsoft, as others have said, is incredibly dusty and will take 5 years off your life. For woodland, doesn't get much better than Matlock combat games. Had bad experiences with Pheonix Airsoft. Anzio is close enough too and is a good experience.

    • For sale
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    Used a handful of times. Price includes postage



    • For sale
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    Very good condition ak, has had circa 20 hours of game time. Incredibly solid bit of kit that happily plugs little plastic balls towards your foes. Really pleasant shooting experience with superb externals. Comes with 1 mid cap and fitted with a surplus Soviet sling. Price include PF48 postage. Will take a tenner off for collection around north Nottingham.



  8. Couple of staples and mostly super glue, should be enough.
  9. Simple bit of spare velcro to expand the chi-com. Just needs 10 years of being dragged through the woods to look the part.
  10. Airsoft for most seems to be an escapism hobby. For myself, this is both disconnecting from the real world for a short period of time and disconnecting myself by lets say dressing up as if from a different culture and/or time period. It's up to the individual to decide how detached to the real world (and its current issues) their loadouts are and where to draw the line. For example, its common to represent a middle east insurgent, but perhaps putting a black headband on with white writing isn't the best idea, same classic thing comes up with german ww2 loadouts. I don't think a gorka and an AK crosses this line. However, as the world changes, issues change and so that line fluctuates. If it were the 70's and airsoft was a thing, I don't think many people would do VC loadouts. My favorite rif is an AK74 and with it my chi-com kit and russian camos. However, I now feel like that detachment between the real world has shrunk from comfortable to uncomfortable, so I will most likely slip into a more PMC role. I must say that yesterday wasn't the best timing for my Partizan camo suit (ordered a couple months ago) to arrive, delivered to work. 😶
  11. Looks like a kwc co2 1911 tactical and Nuprol delta pioneer. Both about £120ish new. In good condition with the case/bits and bobs should be able to get £200 for the lot.
  12. I use the nuprol/raven extended EU mag in a WEg17 with no issues.
  13. Closer look this evening, looks to be component number 30 missing? Have I got that right, anyone know where to get a new one? Also unsure how to strip this down any further, assistance needed cheers!
  14. Full disclosure, I know close to naff all about gbb pistols. I had a WE glock and that just "worked". Picked up a KWA CZ75 second hand, first few shots through the crono absolutely fine. Second mag in however the slide jammed and gas retention went through the floor, 5 or 6 shots per full mag. Excuse terrible photos but found all this inside the rif. I am guessing this is a failed part, any ideas what this would be? I am happy to strip it down further but will start with questions here. Cheers!
  15. Cheers, saw a lad with a gopped pdw a few weeks ago and scoffed at his weapons inferiority. Not at all, I remember reading your comments and having a play. I tried to flex the grip about but couldn't get it anywhere near to being an issue. Maybe your threads somewhere are a little off?
  16. So for those that may stumble across the thread in the futureverse I have finally come up with a solution. I picked up a cheapo weapon light/surefire clone that had a detachable rail mount. Drilled two holes in the plastic handguard and just direct mounted this on. Pressure pad on the other side of the handguard. Doesn't block irons, foregrip can still be taken off for battery replacement (have not re-wired), no "goppy" rails and didn't cost that much. Will report back when if all falls of in the first game.
  17. I Used this: https://moderncombatsports.co.uk/products/t4e-hdr-50-cal-revolver-polymer-holster The paintball & airsoft Umarex revolvers are pretty much identical so it worked well, only a slight bit of wobble. Failing that go for Kydex.
  18. I picked up an AKS74N Essential recently and had my first game with it on Saturday, absolutely no complaints, great bit of kit. A friend has an older (and a bit more "loved") CM.042 full metal AK and I will say that the E&L feels significantly sturdier. However they both chuck bb's out of the barrel without any issues and probably have similar quality internals with comparable longevity. A side note, I think LCT do 7.62 AKMs with the "N" rail if that's what you are after.
  19. Purchased a lovely E&L. Don't plan on doing anything to it modifications wise, perfect just as it is 🍑
  20. I was on the green/red team. Brown shirt with a green cap and woodland camo trousers. Ah that would be great! It's nice and close to me which is why I was keen to go. Hopefully will be down again in the future!
  21. So incase anyone reads this, I attended Hell's Airsoft last night. Pistols only night Pros: - friendly crowd and marshal's, instantly felt comfortable - very good safe zone, facilities, safety briefing etc. - site is inside a large barn, lots of room with some interesting points of interest. Made to be a miniature "village" in cqb style. - some good game modes, one blackout game which was very entertaining. Cons: - some not so great game modes, some needed a little more thought and direction. Often you didn't feel like pushing and getting some good kills was worth it. - the village aspect of the site meant there are some long avenues of fire. It felt like a bit of a campfest/stalemate in some game modes with no good flanking opportunities. Hopefully as the site progresses they will iron this out and add more cover etc. - dust! The flooring on this site is a nice shredded rubber, or something like. Lovely to kneel on etc. However, it is incredibly dusty. You could feel it on the lungs when prone and it caused havok with me and my mates gbb pistols. My pistol was pretty much bolt action by the last game, bring some silicon spray if you are running gas. All in all a good fun evening and some potential to be a great site. Hopefully game modes and cover layout will evolve over time.
  22. Interesting day for me Saturday. Got back into airsofting recently and really been enjoying it. This weekend I went to a different site as my regular only does alternate weeks. Mid morning game I see my Umarex h8r on the floor and realise my holster has come unbolted from it's belt retention, so am now carrying it. Push back game, on the last point so I set it down at the foot of a tree about 6ft from me. I get hit out a few mins later and realise it has gone, from right next to me. Clearly someone has picked it up thinking it has dropped off (had half a holster hanging off it) and handed it in. But nothing, I asked the marshalls to ask for it at the next briefing, they didn't. Asked again, and they didn't. In the end I had to shout up myself. Nothing. I explained to them clearly that someone has knicked it and they simply said I shouldn't leave things on the floor. So that combined with some fairly confusing game modes and boat loads of people "live" firing in the safe zone with no eye pro on has resulted in some shit tinted glasses for airsoft at the moment. Would be interested to hear others thoughts on this, has anyone else had anything swiped? I have always thought it normal to leave guns propped up etc. but now clearly that is not the right thing to do!
  23. Galaxy MP5k, love the clean classic lines of this little gem and needed something fun for evening cqb. Played a game with it stock however and it was fairly lackluster. Added a tracer unit, new ht motor and better lipo. Second game session with it last week and what a difference, great little piece of kit. The rear sling mount broke quickly so have drilled that out and replaced it with an old keyring. Also added a tritium vial to the front post, great idea nicked from a few pages back.
  24. Hi guys, I recently upgraded a beat up sig552 to an AR platform that would take stanag, I opted for the classic army ISSC mk22 scar clone as it seemed like a great choice. I picked up some Nuprol N mags 30/120 rounders to run with it. First game out however I has issues with feeding using the mags. I put some tape at the back of the well and on the mags and this helped, but not a real solution. Are these mags known to sit a little low or is likely and issue with the rif? Can anyone suggest mags that sit a little higher or modifications you can make to the mags/mag well to sort? Cheers in advance
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