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Status Replies posted by DEDSEC

  1. So, going to order from TaiwanGun probably Friday or Saturday. Off on holiday for a week so should come by the time I'm back or I'll have a letter from customs or something. So just write UKARA# in business line of address and contact them before saying I'm about to order put *UKARA# here* on box?

  2. So, going to order from TaiwanGun probably Friday or Saturday. Off on holiday for a week so should come by the time I'm back or I'll have a letter from customs or something. So just write UKARA# in business line of address and contact them before saying I'm about to order put *UKARA# here* on box?

  3. Does anybody have an M4 C-mag for sale?

  4. Can anyone recommend a decent capacity 7.4v LiPo that'll fit in a PEQ15 style battery box?

  5. So browsing though 7.4v LiPo batteries today and noticed they all say (12c), (15c) or (20c) etc. I understand it's how many cells it has but what does it effect? It's power? It's charge life?

  6. So browsing though 7.4v LiPo batteries today and noticed they all say (12c), (15c) or (20c) etc. I understand it's how many cells it has but what does it effect? It's power? It's charge life?

  7. So browsing though 7.4v LiPo batteries today and noticed they all say (12c), (15c) or (20c) etc. I understand it's how many cells it has but what does it effect? It's power? It's charge life?

  8. Can anyone recommend a decent capacity 7.4v LiPo that'll fit in a PEQ15 style battery box?

  9. So browsing though 7.4v LiPo batteries today and noticed they all say (12c), (15c) or (20c) etc. I understand it's how many cells it has but what does it effect? It's power? It's charge life?

  10. IS there a suppressor that fits over the top of your barrel so you dont have to take your barrel of? Like a sleeve?

  11. Will an M120 spring will give around 340 to 350FPS? Also, what kind of motor will be required to effectively use the gun at that FPS? (Specific brands please I already know I will need a high torque)

  12. Will an M120 spring will give around 340 to 350FPS? Also, what kind of motor will be required to effectively use the gun at that FPS? (Specific brands please I already know I will need a high torque)

  13. Anyone know if/how it's possible to get a G36 stock onto an M4/M16?

  14. Anyone know if/how it's possible to get a G36 stock onto an M4/M16?

  15. Anyone know if/how it's possible to get a G36 stock onto an M4/M16?

  16. Anyone know if/how it's possible to get a G36 stock onto an M4/M16?

  17. Anyone know if/how it's possible to get a G36 stock onto an M4/M16?

  18. finally have Arma 2 aswell as arma 3, loving overpoch! :3

  19. finally have Arma 2 aswell as arma 3, loving overpoch! :3

  20. WE AEG SCAR OR G&G SCAR???? Internals externals info please?

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