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Status Replies posted by DEDSEC

  1. Honestly wishing I hadn't bought that sh*tty Mil-Tec Vegetato. Real stuff or at least Helikon would have been much better. Hell the shirt doesn't even fit me. What a waste of money. Now I have sh*t guns and sh*t camo, or maybe I just make it look bad...anyway, excited for my M24 :)

  2. Decent price for a Tm recoil scar l with 2x King Kong 7.4v lipos,

  3. Another quick gun question for a friend. ASG M60 or King Arms M8? Weight and size isn't an issue for him as he was in my platoon back in the army and so he is used to a weighty weapon.

  4. Another quick gun question for a friend. ASG M60 or King Arms M8? Weight and size isn't an issue for him as he was in my platoon back in the army and so he is used to a weighty weapon.

  5. Another quick gun question for a friend. ASG M60 or King Arms M8? Weight and size isn't an issue for him as he was in my platoon back in the army and so he is used to a weighty weapon.

  6. Another quick gun question for a friend. ASG M60 or King Arms M8? Weight and size isn't an issue for him as he was in my platoon back in the army and so he is used to a weighty weapon.

  7. Heard the greatest quote from a 12 year old at a skirmish sunday: "TM is just expensive chinese sh*t, my PTW (Which was clearly a g&g cm16) can outfire and outrange them anyday."

  8. Going to a new site later this year with a 350 FPS limit on AEG's which is most sites around the UK I believe.

  9. Going to a new site later this year with a 350 FPS limit on AEG's which is most sites around the UK I believe.

  10. Do helmets look overkill on 'children'? I'm almost 14 and tall ish, and was considering a helmet to mount my GoPro but quite frankly don't want to look like a... Muppet? I get it's opinion etc but what's the general consensus?

  11. Going to a new site later this year with a 350 FPS limit on AEG's which is most sites around the UK I believe.

  12. Do helmets look overkill on 'children'? I'm almost 14 and tall ish, and was considering a helmet to mount my GoPro but quite frankly don't want to look like a... Muppet? I get it's opinion etc but what's the general consensus?

  13. Going to a new site later this year with a 350 FPS limit on AEG's which is most sites around the UK I believe.

  14. Going to a new site later this year with a 350 FPS limit on AEG's which is most sites around the UK I believe.

  15. A good friend of mine is in a little bit of a crisis on whether to buy a G&G L85 or an ICS L85. Anyone own/ owned one that can shed some light on this matter?

  16. A good friend of mine is in a little bit of a crisis on whether to buy a G&G L85 or an ICS L85. Anyone own/ owned one that can shed some light on this matter?

  17. A good friend of mine is in a little bit of a crisis on whether to buy a G&G L85 or an ICS L85. Anyone own/ owned one that can shed some light on this matter?

  18. Anyone know where to get a tonne of patches for a BDU and vest super cheap? Trying to avoid eBay and Amazon so any sites would be appreciated.

  19. Finding a sniper for my team is hard work, people think they wana be snipers then change there mind, think you have to be a curtain person for that role

  20. Finding a sniper for my team is hard work, people think they wana be snipers then change there mind, think you have to be a curtain person for that role

  21. whoop dad got a WE f226 shipping tomorrow :) anyone know what they are like?

  22. So, going to order from TaiwanGun probably Friday or Saturday. Off on holiday for a week so should come by the time I'm back or I'll have a letter from customs or something. So just write UKARA# in business line of address and contact them before saying I'm about to order put *UKARA# here* on box?

  23. So, going to order from TaiwanGun probably Friday or Saturday. Off on holiday for a week so should come by the time I'm back or I'll have a letter from customs or something. So just write UKARA# in business line of address and contact them before saying I'm about to order put *UKARA# here* on box?

  24. So, going to order from TaiwanGun probably Friday or Saturday. Off on holiday for a week so should come by the time I'm back or I'll have a letter from customs or something. So just write UKARA# in business line of address and contact them before saying I'm about to order put *UKARA# here* on box?

  25. Interesting fact for the day: at 350fps, when your bb leaves the barrel, for a split second it's diing 238mph. Bugatti veyron eat your heart out.

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