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Posts posted by Yawns

  1. Not that I'm the type to help, But I'd recommend afew pictures, So me and others can have an idea of what your talking about as not all of us own a G&G Scar and so we can't relate to the problem. Best of luck getting it fixed anyway man :)

  2. My sites rentals are atleast a year old. Combat Machines.

    Thats why I'm in a tough spot for purchasing a gun, Why spend £100 on a gun I can rent for no extra cost?


    The Real Sword is too expensive xD

    I like the sound of the Tokyo Marui M14, I like how It can go full auto too.


    I like the sound of a quiet loadout (See what I did there?)


    Acouple games ago I was almost level to the enemy, I could see them sitting behind cover. Maybe 30m away.

    I flick into semi. Fire a shot infront of the cover, So I have a rough idea of where the BB went.

    I adjust my gun towards them, I take a shot, miss, I take three more shots in the space of 10 seconds, No hits.

    I flick onto full auto. I fire a 10 rounds burst, Slowly pulling my gun upwards, In a hazardous attempt to hit atleast one with a stray BB.

    My gun starts making an odd clicking sound. Like metal plates clapping. I Lay down, Remove my mag, I clear afew BBs onto the floor, Yep, firing normally.

    I put my mag back in, A further loud clicking sound.

    I'm sick of this. The access to the 'Adjustment-wheel' (I think its the hop up) has been removed.

    I hate rental guns.


    -Rant Over-

    Is there a way I could increase distance without increasing FPS? I am aware of FPS limits :)

  3. So at my site, Almost everyone rents. Its juniors game. All except one boy whos dad does airsoft, He is sorted out with thousands of pounds in guns. Basically my site is pay to win.


    In a game last thursday(?) I realised how saddening the range of the rental guns (CM-16 Raiders) are. Me and a friend were in a long-distance 1v1-type situation when we realised we were out of range. Thus ensues us spraying ridiculously high into the air and saluting, Air-shagging and dancing to mock eachother.


    If I wanted an AEG I could rent, thats not a problem. But I'd really like a DMR. AFAIK - Something something semi-auto Sniper.


    Sadly, I understand that it might be a GBBR, I hear people recommend against these as first guns. I understand that.


    Now I leave you with a vague space of nothingness. As I know bugger-all about GBBRs and DMRs.


    (PS: I would put lots of effort and maintenance into it)


  4. I too looked into knee pads, thinking they would majestically give me the ability to do slides and dives. Turns out it just mildly decreases your running speed while constantly sliding out of place.

  5. I presume that this would be better placed in the guides subforum, But hey.

    Great guide, Unfortunately it is very situational when this guide will be genuinely helpful to someone, But it is very well constructed so I can't find a reason why it wouldn't be useful to someone in a similar situation.

    Also, Try to embed the images onto the page, it's awfully tedious 'Reading, Clicking, Closing' many times over.

    Overall - Good Job!

  6. It's a hell of a journey for the scots to make for NAE,

    Also, As devastating as it might sound, I can't make NAE.

    I'm joking, We'll see what other large events the year brings and see if others are more accessible,

    A field would be more cost-effective, But it'd have to be out of the public eye.

    Also, Warning the local police etc that there are immitation firearms on site? Never really approached these things before.

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