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Everything posted by matas17

  1. I was thinking that £2000-2200 was fair. Since at 70% of its value it came out to 2.4k when I did the calculation. I mean think of it this way, Upper receiver set without bolt carrier is around £480-500 new, Steel bolt carrier is £500. Plus all the internal works, externals etc. It adds up quick
  2. at 70% it was around £2200-2400
  3. comes with: DBAL, replica surefire light PTS EPS Stock PTS EPG Holy warrior Sig 8t & replica unity riser MK18 11 inch picatinny handguard and gen III installed on the rifle Laylay 4'' outer barrel base with barrel extension laylay Mur upper receiver Laylax Frame trigger Lock pin New buffer tube PTS QD sling mount PTS trigger guard Reply DD style fixed iron sights x7 pts mags Cerakoted Parts Midnight Bronze: -Upper receiver - Lower receiver - Handguard Cerakoted parts in black: Mag catch Charging Handle Fire selector bolt catch and forward assist dust cover Internals: Angry Gun heavy recoil kit Brand new NGRS gate titan advanced Brand new gearbox shell Warhead Brushless motor New prometheus Pistol Prometheus piston head Prometheus Gears Lonex Air nozzle Laylax Cylinder and cylinder head ZCI 300mm 6.02 tight bore Maple leaf 60 Degree Bucking and maple leaf nub Modify bushings
  4. what are the TRMR's with single shot base worth also Quake 8 bfg's?

  5. This website is such a joke sometimes, trying to upload an image for appraisal and even tho its under the size requirement I still cant. What the fuck?

    1. Galvatron


      Have you tried reducing the resolution?

    2. ButcherBill


      Your GDR15 add is live so the system works, as Galvatron says...try reducing the reolution.

    3. TheFull9


      Complain to the AFUK subscriptions department.

  6. DAS GBLS GDR15 x7 Pts EPM's x3 stanag Mags x2 3d printed speed loader attachments x2 3d printed Odin speed loader Attachments x3 tubs of grease x2 hop adjustment tools x1 nozzle tightening tool x1 inner barrel mount Type B buffer etc. 13.5" upper Steel BCG AngryGun MK16 handguard SF flashider SF style flashlight and lightswitch Radiant style charging handle Mlok foregrip Vortex replica scope and geissele scope mount Type b hop arm ZCI 363mm 6.02 tight bore Maple leaf 80 degree bucking 10.5" upper Aluminium BCG Replica Geissele charging handle Replica unity riser Real steel Vortex Crossfire Red Dot Replica Geissele MK4 Handguard SF style supressor and flash hider Replica SF flashlight & Peq15 (IR laser/light, visible laser/light) Maple Leaf Macaron 60 bucking ZCI 300mm 6.02 tbb Mlok foregrip Lower receiver CageAirsoft C-TECH Aegis Enhanced Electronics V2 Recently serviced PTS EPS Stock PTS EPG Pistol grip Ambi bolt catch lever Replica Geissele trigger guard Laser etched lower receiver with Geissele trademarks

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    I'm looking for hk416 aeg in tan, no black sorry. Either used/boneyard or new(must have entire gearbox inside) No GBBR's only aeg and No VFC unless price is right.


  8. you need to buy RMR plate for tm fnx 45 to fit rmr, unless its tokyo marui rmr which fits on right away.
  9. matas17

    Staccato C2


    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for C2 staccato used or new doesnt matter, either EMG or Army Armament. Must be in working condition or can be repaired.


  10. VFC MCX Fully cerakoted Internals: Gate Titan V2 Advanced Gate EON Gearbox Shell 13:1 Gears FPS airsoft carbon piston FPS Airsoft piston head FPS Airsoft Cylinder Head ZCI 4/5 Cylinder Double o-ring air nozzle Laylax M100 spring Warhead brushless Motor ZCI Hop Unit Male leaf 60 degree bucking and nub ZCI 300mm 6.02 tight bore barrel Externals: Laylax MCX barrel support Gunday Extended mag catch PTS EPG grip PTS EPSC Stock Picatinny stock adapter 5KU folding stock with Artisan cheek riser MCX/MPX Collapsible stock M-lok foregrip Sandman-k qd supressor Replica Unity Riser Replica Sig Romeo 4 red dot WADSN Dbal & Flashlight with pressure switch
  11. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Warrior Recon Plate Carrier medium size Bought for my SMG setup but only used handful of times so its still in really good condition also have extra brand new Warrior Detachable MOLLE Front Panel MultiCam for it for extra £15 £110+postage


  12. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Army armament R32 Kimber Fully cerakoted Comes with 3 leak free mags Internals: Maple leaf 113mm 6.02 tight bore Maple leaf yellow bucking Maple leaf I-key £110 Army armament r604 Fully cerakoted in midnight bronze Comes with 1 mag which has cerakoted base plate RMR mounting plate Interral upgrades: Maple leaf 113mm tight bore barrel Maple leaf hop unit Maple leaf Autobot bucking Maple leaf I-key EDGE blowback unit ELITE nozzle Guarder sears AIP guide rod AIP guide plug Cow cow trigger £220 Both can be shipped at buyers expense.


  13. Just out of curiosity DAS GBLS GDR15 x7 Pts EPM's x3 stanag Mags x2 3d printed speed loader attachments x2 3d printed Odin speed loader Attachments x3 tubs of grease x2 hop adjustment tools x1 nozzle tightening tool x1 inner barrel mount Type B buffer etc. 14.5" upper 10.5" upper Steel Bolt carrier group Aluminium Bolt Carrier Group AngryGun MK16 handguard Replica Geissele charging handle SF flashider Replica unity riser SF style flashlight and lightswitch Real steel Vortex Crossfire Red Dot Radiant style charging handle Replica Geissele MK4 Handguard -Mlok foregrip SF style supressor and flash hider Vortex replica scope and geissele scope mount Replica SF flashlight & Peq15 (IR laser/light, visible laser/light) Type b hop arm Maple Leaf Macaron 60 bucking ZCI 363mm 6.02 tight bore ZCI 300mm 6.02 tbb Maple leaf 80 degree bucking Mlok foregrip Lower receiver CageAirsoft C-TECH Aegis Enhanced Electronics V2 Recently serviced PTS EPS Stock PTS EPG Pistol grip Ambi bolt catch lever Replica Geissele trigger guard Laser etched lower receiver with Geissele trademarks
  14. I have looked at the reviews of it on google and most seemed positive but I'll do my research on it and see what comes up.
  15. I'm actually gone be moving to London soon too, East Croydon to be exact and then I will be on the same boat as you trying to find sites to play. Luckily I have gear and rifles
  16. matas17

    S&T tar21


    • For sale
    • Used

    S&T Tar 21 Comes with longer outer/inner barrel, currently have shorter outer/inner barrel installed Externals: ARES CNC handguard 240mm length plus Angry gun CNC M-lok rail system 14mm CW to 14mm CCW adapter Real steel Tar21 Podium bipod Internals: 13:1 shs gears Steel tooth piston New Piston head High Torque motor Maple leaf Macaron 60 bucking Fab Defence Podium tripod Angry Gun mlok handguard £240


  17. Anyone else is disappointed in IWA 2024 with all airsoft releases and big plus that G&g LevAR seems like an April fools joke...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. matas17


      I was expecting more innovation then "oh here we are manufacturing MK18 like another 10 companies that announced it here"

    3. GenuineGerman


      True I think the market is saturated with lots of M4/AR but it’s just a reflection of the real steel market. The cybergun Famas looked great. 

    4. Impulse


      No, because MTW 308. I was tempted to do a mk12 build off the regular MTW, but now I will do a .308 build instead. Plus the Umarex Walthers piqued my interest as I like Walther and nobody really makes them for airsoft

  18. wrong spot mate, this is for gas pistols not rifles....

    • For sale
    • Used

    I had 6 in total, 3 are sold. Das gbls stanag mags each hold 60bbs £20 per mag, got 3 left.


  20. When I personally build gearboxes for myself I rarely short stroke anymore and leave gears alone, just have it well shimmed, aoe sorted and rof turned up or turned down on gate titan software. In rare occasion when i want to see how fast of and ROF I can reach that I short stroke gears. At the moment my vfc mcx gearbox is short stroked by 2 teeth on 13:1 gears and i get around 35rps.
  21. I know it might be a long shot but those of you who have das gbls ever done any research into brushless motors for gbls, I know they are in production by gbls but who knows when will they launch and I'm sure they will cost a pretty penny. I am trying to do bit more research on them and see if anyone is making them or had modified existing brushless motor by installing longer shaft in it.
  22. anyone ever ran into an issue where theire PTS EPG grip motor screw would loosen itself over time and cause your motor height to go down

    1. EDcase


      Just get some blue Loctite threadlock to put on it.

      (or a small drop of superglue)

    2. ak2m4


      It's common, try some threadlock

    3. matas17


      @ak2m4suprising dont have that issue on my DAS GBLS or my tm ngrs  but on my aeg it loosens up as i shoot so odd.

  23. matas17

    VFC MP7A1

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    VFC MP7A1 gen1 Had it for a while as I bought it for repairs. It was non functioning due to mosfet burning out and trigger micro switch being broken. Mag cut off feature is non fuctioning since I replaced original broken mosfet with Perun. Comes with x4 brand new 120rd midcaps, x2 11.1v 1300mah lipos, PEQ battery box, red dot sight, Angry gun mock mp7a1 suppressor/cover. Also have extra trigger micro switch board and exact micro switches incase someone decides to use them. Currently it shoots under 295 fps on 0.25s Currently it has new: Gears New trigger micro switch unit Bullgear CNC Tappet Plate and Gear Clip ERGAL o-ring nozzle Perun AB++ mosfet installed ZCI 200mm 6.02 steel tight bore barrel Maple Leaf yellow bucking & maple leaf flat nub


  24. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    I've had this for a while now but never got to use it more then a handful of times (less then 5 times) Comes with x5 Classic army 120rd midcaps(brand new) and x2 jg hicap mags (can also include original handguard & stock) Internal upgrades: Gate Titan V3 Advanced 16:1 gears Steel tooth piston(EBB is disabled) Aluminium piston head Cylinder head Cylinder High Torque motor ZCI 300mm 6.02 tight bore barrel Maple Leaf Macaron 60 hop rubber & Maple leaf Omega nub Externals: JG3000 FAL Buffer Tube Stock Adaptor CNC'd from solid 6082 Aluminium Alloy King Arms FAL handguard(brand new) Cyma M series stock No Eotech is not part of the package. (Quite a few people asked if midcaps and are for sale, sorry no they are not they are part of a package)


    - GB

  25. matas17

    JG sa58

    I've had this for a while now but never got to use it more then a handful of times (less then 5 times) Comes with x5 Classic army 120rd midcaps(brand new) and x2 jg hicap mags (can also include original handguard & stock) Internal upgrades: Gate Titan V3 Advanced 16:1 gears Steel tooth piston(EBB is disabled) Aluminium piston head Cylinder head Cylinder High Torque motor ZCI 300mm 6.02 tight bore barrel Maple Leaf Macaron 60 hop rubber & Maple leaf Omega nub Externals: JG3000 FAL Buffer Tube Stock Adaptor CNC'd from solid 6082 Aluminium Alloy King Arms FAL handguard(brand new) Cyma M series stock No Eotech is not part of the package.
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