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Everything posted by Greg147


    • For sale
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    For sale, 5x CYMA VSS/AS VAL 150rd mid caps. New and unused, still in the packaging (I bought the wrong ones by mistake, and it's not worth the hassle of returning them). From retailers these are around £13 each, so I'm doing them for £10 each. £50 total. Postage & PP fees are included.


    - GB

  2. Just in case anyone is considering ordering from Gunfire recently, I gave it a go and here's a breakdown of cost/timings: Gun £416.01 Mags 5x £7.44 = £37.20 Shipping £23.50 Import £108 Total: £584.70 Delivery: 21 days (Four phone calls from UPS of such poor quality that they had me questioning their legitimacy, forms exchanged two times because they sent the wrong ones, and a UPS driver that left a £500 package on my street-side front doorstep despite it requiring a signature). Relative UK retailer (Firesupport in this case) Gun £535 Mags 5x £12.54 £62.70 Delivery £11.99 Total: £609.69 Delivery: Probably 3-4 days, no import nonsense, hopefully not UPS. Is is worth it? Naaaaaaah.
  3. I personally did like mine; it was creaky and lightweight but nothing broke on it for me (just try to refrain from HK slapping it 😆 ). The main reason I got rid of mine was the magazines; all the high-cap ones I had, the hatch at the top wore down quickly and just wouldn't stay closed. Many BBs lost. If you're planning on using midcaps it won't be an issue of course.
  4. People standing in the open at the back firing shots from 80m+. I mean, if you feel safe enough to stand in the open without getting hit, chances are your rounds aren't doing much different on the other end... 😂
  5. On the topic of ordering from TG, has anyone else lost the option to select a delivery on the website? I was willing to gamble an order due to them having something out of stock elsewhere, but when checking out, I select Great Britain, tick a 'terms of delivery box', and then an error saying' Your shopping cart contains the following errors: Choose delivery method' Changing GB to any other country unlocks a check box for delivery type, but this isn't there for GB. Am I missing something, or have they suspended orders?
  6. If you can make the outer shell, sticking an AEP inside it would be the only option I think (other than going gas). They can be picked up for £50-£60 or so: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-pistols-all?*8=9 If it was me, I'd probably buy one KWC mini-uzi, vacuum form the shell using it, and use that to make the outer casing for as many as you need. Fix an AEP in each one, and seal it up. Then paint and finish. It wouldn't be particularly cheap though, and I think you'd struggle to make one from scratch for any cheaper.
  7. Rather than me create a new topic; does anyone have any experience of CYMA vs JG when it comes to their MP5s? I bought a JG MP5K PDW last year (haven't had a chance to field it due to Covid), and now see that CYMA have introduced the PDW to their Blue Edition range. I'm toying with the idea of selling the JG and grabbing the CYMA. Anyone tried both and can comment on externals and performance of the two MP5 ranges?
  8. £2000 and I'll chuck in a JBBG springer pistol? Special price, just for you sir!
  9. I believe originally these were being shipped from the factory in Taiwan, so had a hefty import charge and £55 shipping. Since then he's got them in Austria, so shipping to the UK is now £15 with no import tax. Much cheaper to get hold of them now (that said I'm also trying to sell one and am now reconsidering my price... 😂 )
  10. Fancied trying something new, my M4 got the brunt of it. Mad max style!
  11. Well that depends, have you put your bid in yet? You've got to be in it to win it!
  12. Trying to make my SSG look like it's not an SSG. I never liked the swirly-barrel nonsense anyway!
  13. It'd make sense 😆 although a) all my batteries are mini-tamiya b) I don't have any problems with mini-tamiya and c) if I tried it I'd probably end up setting something on fire 😉
  14. These come with a large Tamiya connector by default, so I guess it's been converted to mini. Something I should really do with mine, given how many times I've arrived at a skirmish and forgotten the adapter... 😂
  15. Long rangers! (and a little something for if they get too close)
  16. Specna indeed! It was either that or a CYMA for the same price. Thought I'd give it a chance. I was actually kind of underwhelmed by it at first. The hop's set on almost full at the moment and it can just about lift .2s to a decent range, but it couldn't handle .25s or higher at all. Admittedly it does the job on .2s, but I think perhaps it needs a better hop unit and/or rubber to really perform well. Stock keeps wobbling too. I've only used it for two skirmishes so far though, and will be taking it out again this weekend, so perhaps my opinion will change once some work is done on it!
  17. I told myself I'd never buy an M4. And then I accidentally did. And then I accidentally bought some fancy things to stick on it. Damn it...
  18. They're good. I buy stuff fairly regularly from them; I've never had to return anything but I'm pretty sure they've got a decent returns policy. Double check their site to be sure. There's a few topics about them on here if you wanted to see what others have experienced, have a search and I'm sure they'll crop up. But I seem to remember most people's experiences are positive.
  19. One more for the collection! Bought this British-style Thompson off a nice chap on the WW2 Airsoft forums. Shame it's too big to actually fit in the crate I made
  20. Cheers guys. That would be an SR-3M Vikhr, the AK's ugly (er) cousin
  21. New paintjob all finished! Nothing fancy but I've got a can of OD to use up, so....
  22. I just had a look at the collection and realised that I've inadvertently set myself up for 'Nam
  23. Well, my S&T Stirling has survived it's first paint-job! Very basic but I much prefer green to the original black. Just wish it was a little darker, but oh well. I'm sure I'll have to redo it after a few months anyway
  24. Nothing to stop them once they're registered for UKARA...but before that, it's classed as manufacturing a RIF, and is rather illegal EDIT: I forget the exact wording, but the non-black color needs to be particularly bright, otherwise it's not classed as two toned.
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