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Esoterick last won the day on January 10 2016

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  1. Are there any quiet speedloaders? I've got a Marui M4 style one but it makes hi caps sound quiet!

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    2. Airsoft-Ed


      I have 3 of the KA 200rnd ones (because it took 3 to reload 14 real caps in one sitting) and they're really good, they're hardly bomb proof but they've lasted me about 3 years so far, they're fairly rugged but they're reliable.


      I'd rather have them over the faux pistol/M4 mag style speed loaders.

    3. Esoterick


      I will check them out, the rod thing on the TM one feels like it will snap if it has any sideways pressure on it.


      Plus the faux m4 mag is made out of a yoghurt pot or something.

    4. M_P


      Tm pistol leaders are very good too, my preference over KA tbh, just don't have any left- I'm forever losing speed leaders

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