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Esoterick last won the day on January 10 2016

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  1. Are there any quiet speedloaders? I've got a Marui M4 style one but it makes hi caps sound quiet!

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    2. Airsoft-Ed


      I personally find bags a massive pain in the cock to use. Bottles are far easier because they hold their shape when you tilt one end to pour the contents out.


      I do as Liam does, hold the speed loaders full to the point where they don't rattle, and wait until I've used enough ammo to empty them in one fell swoop when I go for a mag reload.

    3. Esoterick


      That sounds like the best bet so I will give it a try. I don't really need a 400 odd round speedloader for 120 round mags. My idea with bags was to sort of make them like those fabric water canteens, however in general someone showed me a trick where you use a small aerosol lid as a scoop and squeeze it to pour. Works surprisingly well, not so practical mid game though.


      I basically need to figure out how many mid caps I get through in a game. I really don't like high caps,...

    4. two_zero


      my brother keeps a highcap for emergency, fullpacked so it wont rattle. I think the reason some would like the mag shaped ones is that they go into pouches.

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